3 Keys To An Effective Video Content Marketing Strategy

By being here now, and talking to you today, I obviously can’t hide my support for video content marketing.

But what you may not know is that how even a few short and simple videos can radically transform your entire business. Which is why we’re talking all about video content marketing, and we’re breaking down the 3 key pieces to an effective video content marketing strategy.

When it comes to choosing a medium to connect with your potential customers and clients few options compare to the incredible power of video.

There’s just something magical that happens when someone can see and hear that you’re actually a real person, with real thoughts, real feelings, and real emotions.

There’s also the fact that video combines both audio and visual components of your message which acts like a double shot of communication power and allows you to better connect to both auditory and visual learners, giving your message twice the opportunity to be heard and to connect.

Probably most important of all, though, is that video eliminates your ability to hide, which might seem frightening at first, but in the end, provides an injection of trust and authenticity into your business that can only be rivaled with a face-to-face interaction.

So with all that said – let’s break down each part of video content marketing so you can better understand it’s importance and how to best use it in your business.

1. Video

The first part of video content marketing is obviously video.

And I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how quickly and massively video has saturated our lives in the last few years alone.

In fact, video now makes up more than half of all internet traffic, and by 2019, this number is estimated to rise to 80%.

Facebook is also regularly generating over 8 billion video views daily, and Snapchat, even at 1/15th the size generates almost as many with over 7 billion daily video views.

Basically, videos not going anywhere anytime soon and is already one of your customers most preferred forms of content to consume.

2. Content

The next piece of the puzzle is content.

And this is where things really start to get interesting and what begins to separate the amateurs from the pros, and I want to let you in on a little secret.

You see, the key to creating valuable content has little to do with lighting, audio, fancy graphics, or expensive studios, and everything to do with the answering your customers questions, solving their problems, and adding value to their lives.

Sure – you can add all these fancy upgrades later but if your content is lacking that crucial customer centric ingredient of value, it will all just go to waste.

That’s why when you first set out to create content you want to begin with your customers in mind, do a bit of research into what questions or problems they have, and then create your content around that.

A few minutes of preparation ahead of time will literally 10X your reach, impact, and results.

3. Marketing

We can’t talk about video content marketing without addressing the missing link in so many otherwise great content strategies.

You see the days of “build it and they will come” are long gone, and have been replaced by the “build it and they may come, but probably not, because they’re busy, and they’ve got a lot of other stuff going on”.

In the end, a consistent and strategic video content plan will without a doubt work, but when you add marketing to the mix, it speeds things up and allows you to get bigger and better results in a lot less time.

In the same way that you want to make sure your content is customer centric, you also want to make sure that your marketing is appropriately targeted, and this means having a clear understanding of your ideal target market and who you’re trying to reach.

When you do this, it ensures you’re using the right tools for the job, and gives your video content the highest probability of success.

Other factors you want to take into consideration are optimizing it not only for your users experience by adding captions or subtitles, but also for search engines by ensuring you’re using relevant and searched for keywords in your title, tags, and descriptions.

Never limit yourself to just 1 platform, but instead, upload your video to YouTube, Facebook, and make sure you’re embedding it on your website giving your customers even more opportunity to find and consume it.

If you find you’re having success with a certain video then don’t be afraid to throw a few dollars at it and promote it which will help you reach even more potential customers and clients faster than ever before.

If you’re looking to create your first video ad, then I want to help take a lot of the guesswork out by giving you a free copy of my 60 second video ad template which you can download by visiting adamsblog.staging.wpengine.com/videoadtemplate. This template will give you a plug and play script that you can use to quickly and easily create YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram video ads.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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