Business Growth Strategy

Nobody wants their business to lose market share, get lost in the sea of competitors, and die a slow and painful death.

As far as I’m concerned, studying and implementing business growth strategies are one of the most exciting parts of doing business.

After all, most people don’t start a business to plateau, stay stagnant, be boring, and do the same thing every single day never improving or getting any better.

No, the real fun in business, and in life, is progression, and that means learning everything you can and then implementing what you learn to create more value.

[Tweet “The real fun in business, and in life, is progression.”]

So, what are some business growth strategies that you can apply today to immediately start to scale up your business?

Well, here are 9 of my top business growth strategies that you can apply today to immediately start to grow your business.

1. Focus

My Number 1 strategy comes to us courtesy of Tony Robbins, and that strategy is to focus.

Maybe you’ve heard the phrase, he who serves two masters pleases none? Well this is applies to business as well.

You simply can’t be everything and do everything all at the same time, you need to focus.

And if your goal is business growth then the first step is getting crystal clear on your business, your target market, and the value you provide.

2. Leverage Current Assets

You can save a lot of time and money by simply looking back at some of the marketing assets you’ve already created.

These could be old blog posts, articles, proposals, white papers, videos, or any other marketing materials that you can edit, repurpose, spruce up, and send back out into the world.


3. Ask

Number 3 is to ask, or in other words survey your current and potential customers.

Ryan Levesque wrote a great book on this appropriately called, Ask, which I highly suggest you check out, read, and then apply to your business.

This one book has enough wisdom and insight in it to dramatically help grow your business.

4. Hustle

Number 4 is to hustle, but more than hustling, you need to spend a few minutes to get real with yourself and ask, just how hard are you actually trying to grow your business?

Are you…

  • Working longer hours?
  • Networking with more people?
  • Creating more content?
  • Reading more books
  • Taking more courses?

Or are you just going through life, business as usual?


Often times a little self pep talk can help get you back on track and reignite the fire and desire to grow your business.

If you want your business to grow, you need to hustle.

[Tweet “If you want your business to grow, you need to hustle.”]

5. Teach

When I say teach, I don’t mean it in the traditional school type of way, but rather in a way that allows you to better communicate the unique value that your business provides, and how it can help your target market.

If you look around for ways to teach others about what you do, and be sure to make it more about the value that’s provided then about you or your business, you help to position yourself as a giver and an authority on the subject.

Both of these work together to help grow your business.

6. Give

Number 6 is to give and give some more.

All the credit for this goes straight to Gary Vaynerchuk who’s book Jab Jab Jab Right Hook is a staple reading requirement for any entrepreneur.

One of my favourite quotes is:

“There is no sale without the story; no knockout without the setup.”

Giving is the set up, and the more you give the better positioned you’ll be when you go in and ask for the sale.

If you want to grow your business, first ask yourself how you can give even more value to your customers.

7. Pay To Play

Paid traffic and online advertising are phenomenal tools for instant business growth because they allow you to buy traffic, or in other words, put your offer directly in front of your target market.

Unlike almost every other form of advertising out there paid traffic allows you to get your message out and in front of people in as little as a few minutes.

That means you can go from no traffic, to tens, hundreds, even thousands of visitors in a matter of minutes or hours.

If you need to grow your business now, start taking a look at paid traffic sources like Facebook Ads and Google Adwords.

A great person to follow for advice on growing your business with paid traffic is Rick Mulready.

Rick has a podcast called the “The Art of Paid Traffic” which is a fantastic resource for any entrepreneur looking to grow their business with paid ads.

8. Fill Your Pipeline

Number 8 comes to us courtesy of Grant Cardone where he advises to fill up your pipeline.

Filling up your pipeline, or your funnel is probably one of the most important parts of business growth.

You need to keep a steady and consistent supply of new leads coming in if you ever want to grow.

And the better your funnel, the more scalable, sustainable, and profitable your business growth will be.

Filling up your pipeline all comes down to marketing, which is good news, because if you combine the previous steps I’ve just discussed, you’ll be well on your way.


9. Put Everything Together

Number 9 is to put everything we’ve just talked about together into the ultimate business growth strategy.

Start by getting clear on what you do and what value you provide.

Then be sure to ask your current and potential customers what they care about so you can craft your message and marketing around that.

Then edit your existing marketing materials to reflect that, and give away as much value as you can by teaching in a non-salesy way about how you can help others.

Lastly, use paid traffic to fill your pipeline and keep a steady and consistent flow of leads coming into your business.

When your funnel is dialled in and you’re seeing good results, simply scale it up, and your business has no other option than to grow.


The harsh reality is, if your business isn’t growing, it’s dying.

But the good news is that business growth is a fun challenge to pursue and the more you grow, the more value you’re able to provide and the more profits you’re able to generate.

So embrace the growth, and make it a key part of your businesses overall strategy.

Your business will do better, you’ll be happier, and your customers will too.

What’s your top business growth strategy? Feel free to share it in the comments section below.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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