Content Marketing Strategy (Flexibility and Consistency)

Today, we’re talking about the importance of consistent content creation.

But first, I’m going to go get a new waboba…

Before we get to play with this waboba, we need to have a little chat

More importantly, I’ve got a little bit of a confession to make.

You see, over this last week I’ve been a little lax when it comes to consistency in regards to my content creation game.

There are a couple of reasons for this.

All of them are pretty much just excuses, but I want to share them with you in order for you to avoid making the same mistakes that I have so that not too much time lapses between your content, because again, the key to a solid content marketing strategy is consistency.

The first reason is really just that I’m way out of my element here in Hawaii.

I’m away from my home office.

I’m on a new island in Hawaii that we don’t visit very often, so I’m not really familiar with it.

So, kind a little bit of time lapse, because I’m out of my element, and I’m out of my routine.

In fact, just now, I’m not in the prime place to be writing this, but I’ve got to get this content out.

We’ve got to get making it again.

And if I let any more time lapse, waiting for that all to perfect scenario,  it’s just not going to happen because frankly, there have been a lot of those opportunities over the last week.

I’ve seen some amazing beaches, some amazing sunsets, amazing sunrises, and I’ve taken advantage of none of them for content purposes.

Basically, my point is this:

You’re often going to be out of your element in some regards to your business, whether it’s through travel, a vacation, through some kind of sickness, some work obligation…

Whatever it is, you’ve got to prioritize your content creation, and make sure that it gets on your calendar so you make sure that you never miss a beat.

All right, the other reason that I have is I sort of ran out of creative ideas, or at least so I thought.

You see, at home I’ve got this gray journal where I write everything down; all my different ideas, video ideas, podcast ideas, blog ideas…everything like that.

Well, I left it at home.

So, here I am having to kind of brainstorm things from scratch.

So, this is the reason that you want to always make sure that you’ve got access to your content ideas.

Something I’m going to takeaway from this is that, (while I like to keep all of my contents written out by hand in a journal because it allows me to categorize things better and allows me to have clearer thoughts), I have to make sure to digitize this.

Upload it to Google Docs, Evernote, or Todoist…any of my online file sharing systems, so that I’ve got access to my content ideas anywhere I go.

A quick tip and something that I do anyways is: anytime I’ve got an idea for content, I make sure to write it down.

So I’m always carrying around some form of pen or paper, or at the very least, I have my phone that I can record something in.

Say you don’t even have an app on your phone…you can always send yourself a text message with the idea for your next piece of content.

All right, the last piece of the puzzle is you may feel that you don’t have the right equipment for the job.

For this one, I want to call you out on that one a bit.

I do a lot of my shooting on the simple iPhone 7, with a little bit of a gimble (I think it costs around $100.00, maybe $150.00), and you’re able to get some really smooth panoramas, some really smooth shots, and it allows you to sort of get a really clear and crisp image for something that you’ve already got in your pocket.

All right,  let’s wrap this up.

The point I want to leave you with here today is to remember that

content creation is an incredibly important part of marketing your business online today.

After all, it allows you to build trust, form that relationship with your audience, build those brand ambassadors, and increase customer loyalty and essentially allow you to get your message out to that many more people.

Make sure to prioritize it.

Make sure to just kick those excuses right out the window, and do whatever you can to make sure to create quality and consistent content.

It’s waboba time.


About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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