Even the best struggle sometimes/all the time

I was talking with my buddy Joel (the webinar guy) the other day about marketing, life, and business in general.

And I made a comment about a friend of Joel’s who appeared to really have it all together.

We’re talking multiple 7-figure businesses, working from around the world, and appearing (at least on social media) to have it “all figured out”

I mentioned this to Joel and I can’t remember Joel’s exact words but they were along the lines of:

“Dude! He’s just as confused and overwhelmed as anyone trying to figure out what the best plan is, the best strategy, and what to do next”

And for some reason this stuck with me and I’ve been thinking about it a lot.

You see thanks to social media, people screenshotting insane income statements (often photoshopped), and putting their best foot forward all the darn time…

Reality starts to get a bit muddy. And we start to think that the norm is to have it all mastered, and we’re the weird/slow/ignorant/not-good-at-business ones for still struggling to figure out our next moves.

So here are 2 things I know to be facts:

You will always have challenges in business. The better you do the bigger and newer the challenges you will be presented with but they will always be there.

Even the best struggle sometimes/all the time to sort out their next best strategy, move, goal, or plan. Myself included.

I’m a marketing guy.

It’s what I do.

It’s all I do.

I love it.

And after dedicating a large portion of my life to it I’m really good at it.

I’ve helped thousands through my content, hundreds through my teachings, and dozens through my consulting and mentoring.

My clients and students have made millions and millions of dollars and their businesses have provided massive positive impacts in the lives of those they serve.


If you take a look at my whiteboard from my weekly business strategy sessions.

Review my notes from coaching calls with my coaches, consultants, counsellors, and mentors.

And could see inside my head (god have mercy on you)

You wouldn’t see a straight line.

But rather a series of squiggles, scrawls, changes of directions, and course adjustments that seem to occur on monthly, if not weekly, (and sometimes even daily) timeframes.

My funnel you ask? I have too many. And have only recently cut them down to make more room for what’s important. What’s working. And what provides the biggest impact.

Marketing is constantly changing. And therefore is a constant work in progress. Even for those of us who eat, sleep, breathe, and live this stuff. We’re constantly learning, adjusting, and improving.

The silver lining?

There’s hope!

And if you’re struggling then YOU ARE NOT ALONE!


The best advice I can give is to ask for help. And buy the best help that you can afford.

Whether it’s a book on Amazon.

A paid newsletter subscription.

Or hiring a marketing mentor to work with you and provide an unbiased, experienced, and informed view on what you’re doing, what you want, and how to get there (if that’s something that interests you hit reply and let’s chat)

Just keep… moving… forward.


About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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