Facebook Advertising for Small Businesses

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.

If you’ve got a small business, then Facebook advertising may be the single greatest marketing tool available to you today.

Nothing else even comes close.

Which is why today we’re talking about Facebook advertising for your small business.

Facebook ads happen to be one of my favorite topics to talk about.

I feel like a Facebook preacher sometimes.

Wandering around the internet, singing the praises of high-converting copy, profit producing pixels, and positive ROI.

But I can’t help myself!

Facebook ads are just that good!

First, they give you access to your exact and ideal client or customer.

And they allow you to laser focus in on their exact age, income, or occupation.

As well as any other pages they like or interests they have.

Next, they’re incredibly cost effective (yes, even still, today).

Especially when compared to more traditional forms of advertising like newspaper, radio, or TV or billboards.

Finally, while there is still a bit of a learning curve involved…

They’re still relatively easy to use.

And, they allow you to take a 5-figure business and turn it into a 6-figure business, or a 6-figure into a 7-figure… or beyond that!

So let me lead you through the 4 secret steps behind every single one of my 5, 6 and 7-figure generating Facebook advertising campaigns:

Secret #1: Good Offer

Now, I know this sounds incredibly obvious.

But you’d be amazed at how many times so many ads miss the mark and fail before they’ve even had a chance to get started.

What I mean here is, you’ve really gotta dedicate and devote a significant amount of strategic planning time in order to find the absolute best offer to put in front of your ideal target market.

Again, the offer you’re putting out in front of people really has to be good if you want them to take action.

Often times we refer to this offer as an irresistible offer.

Because we’re trying to choose something that’s irresistible to the target market we’re trying to advertise to.

The key in selecting the right offer is to find out what your ideal target market really wants, and then solve that for them.

Whether that’s a free trial, or the first step to a complicated solution, or an answer to a problem…

What ever it is, just make sure it’s something they actually want and not just something you think they want.

Of course, the beauty of Facebook ads is that you can test all sorts of different offers.

So if your first one falls flat, it doesn’t mean Facebook ads aren’t working or are dead for your business.

Rather, it might just mean you got the wrong offer and you may want to test a different one.

Secret #2: Clarity THEN Creativity

As an agency owner and Facebook ad consultant, over the years I’ve had the chance to take a look at a LOT of ad copy.

Like, tons of ad copy.

And 9 times out of 10, the ad copy I’m auditing or reviewing could use some serious simplification.

Which doesn’t just mean dumbing it down, but really removing any form of complexity or confusion from it.

And making the message or the offer really crystal clear.

You see, when most people write ads, they suffer from something called the Curse of Knowledge

Which means that you know a ton about your business.

And a ton about the products or services you’re selling.

So you try to put all that out in the ad copy.

But, what you end up doing is confusing and overwhelming the reader.

And confused and overwhelmed readers don’t take action.

So, when you’re writing your ad copy, make sure it’s as crystal clear as humanly possible.

This means removing any form of jargon or insider speech, or tech-talk…

Or any lingo you’d be familiar with but your target market may not be.

One of the best examples I can think of that I use all the time is something as simple as this:

“Hey, are you hungry? Well here, I have a sandwich.”

It sounds ridiculously simple.

But you’d be amazed just keeping that in mind, how much more effective your Facebook ads are gonna become.

Alright, so once you’ve got that clarity down, now it’s time to start to get creative.

And to flush out that image and paint the picture that you want inside your reader’s mind.

Here’s where you can be more empathetic.

And you can start to tell stories.

And you can start to use all sorts of different copy writing techniques and hooks, and really paint that picture.

Good copy writing is incredibly important.

And some of the fancy tactics and techniques work really well.

But only when they’re built on a proper foundation of clarity first.

Secret #3: Imagery

Now, there’s a lot of talk and a lot of hype about video ads.

And yes, video ads can work incredibly well.

But so do image ads.

In many cases, image ads actually out-perform the video ad.

This is especially true if your video doesn’t happen to hit the mark.

And, when you’re making a video ad, there are a lot more levels of complexity involved.

Including the quality of the production, the script itself, the delivery…

There’s a lot more that goes into a video ad than an image ad.

Not to mention, an image ad can be consumed quickly.

Whereas a video typically takes a little more time and a bit more investment from the viewer.

Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s something to keep in mind.

Alright, so some tips on choosing the perfect image:

For starters, you’re gonna want to spend a significant amount of time on the image than you think you should.

I’ll spend hours and hours trying to pick the best 1-4 images to test, and then of course I always let the market decide.

So, even though I’ve got what I think is the perfect image for the job…

Well, I could very well be wrong.

Which is why I always test a number of different images against themselves.

And even when I’ve got a winner, I’m still always out there looking for the next best thing that I can try to beat the original control with.

Also, if you’re just getting started and you have no idea what images to choose, my advice is to go with two different styles of images:

  1. A direct and literal image that shows exactly what you’re selling
  2. A metaphorical image which shows the idea, notion, or end result of what your customer will achieve by doing business with you

Put ’em head-to-head, and see which one wins.

Secret #4: Tactics

As Facebook advertisers, we all have access to the same placements, budgets, targeting, audiences–all the things that go into it.

So there’s clearly no secret button or secret switch that only elite advertisers have access to.

This is why the focus in creating really high-converting and effective Facebook ads needs to be on getting everything we’ve talked about first right.

Then moving onto the tactics last.

  • Offer
  • Clarity and creative
  • Imagery
  • And tactics last

That’s what separates the 4 and 5-figure generating campaigns from the 6 and 7-figure generating campaigns.

Every. Single. Time.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

The One Page Marketing Cheatsheet

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