How To Use Social Media To Promote Your Business – The Facebook Domination Formula

If your goal is to promote and grow your business then using social media is kind of a no-brainer. But just using it isn’t enough to ensure your success online.

So in today’s blog post, we’re pulling back the covers on one of the most effective business promotion strategies, on the world’s most popular, and most effective social media network, and revealing the inner workings of the Facebook Domination Formula so you can grow your business, attract more clients and customers, and boost your revenue.

No matter what business, market, or industry you’re in, your ideal target market is most definitely active on Facebook.

It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about men or women, businesses or consumers, young or old, or any other number of variables you can think up.

Sure, there are other channels you may want to add to the mix later, but they should never be pursued at the expense of first deploying a full frontal assault on Facebook.

This is because not only does Facebook command the majority market share of social media users, but they also provide the most advanced, sophisticated, and effective marketing tools available to businesses just like you.

Facebook gives you access to its database like no other channel, and hands you your most perfect customer or client on a silver platter. All you need to do is say thanks.

So without further ado, let’s dive right in to the nuts and bolts of the Facebook Domination Formula so you can promote and grow your business like never before.

The Facebook Domination Formula

The first step in deploying the formula for maximum impact is in understanding the tools available to you. And when it comes to Facebook, there’s no shortage of business building resources. The key to your success then is in understanding that Facebook wants you to succeed.

Because if you succeed, then you’re more likely to spend more time and money with them instead of on other channels.

But you and your goals aren’t Facebook’s only concern, and on the other side of the coin is their desire to provide a pleasant user experience to the people you’re trying to market to, which means making sure your social media marketing strategy comes off as ethical, clean, not too pushy, and provides value to the every day Facebook user.

So now that we’ve got all that covered, let’s dive into the 4 pillars of the Facebook Domination Formula and what makes it a business promoting strategy like none other.

1. Organic

The first piece of the puzzle is the most common, and most commonly complained about aspect of Facebook, and that is their organic, or regular posting option. This includes anytime you make a post on your businesses Facebook page and then DON’T pay to promote it.

The common complaint is that Facebook has all but throttled organic reach making it nearly impossible to get your non-paid posts in front of your pages fans.

This, however, is actually incredibly good news.

Because whenever a new barrier to entry comes up it allows the serious entrepreneur to step up and take advantage of the new rules of the game, while the amateur refuses to play along based solely on principle, and then watches their business slip slowly away into obscurity.

But that’s not you.

You’re a pro, and by watching this, here, now – it proves your dedication to constantly upgrading your game and taking advantage of the incredible opportunities that are still right in front of you.

So the trick then to taking advantage of Facebooks organic reach is really just to not worry too much about it.

  • You can still post.
  • Still upload images.
  • Still engage your fans in conversation and pose interesting questions.

But understand that this is only the very first step of the game, and if you pursue this strategy alone, well, it will leave you frustrated, burned out, and talking to a crowd of people that are no longer there.

2. Paid Ads

There is perhaps no more powerful tool available online, or even offline, right now than that of Facebook Advertising.

With creative, placement, and targeting options like we’ve never seen before, Facebook is literally handing you the keys to their Billion dollar empire and saying “have at it”.

I’d even go so far as to say that if you’re not currently using Facebook Ads in your business you’re missing out on the golden age of marketing.

This is why I’m stunned, confused, baffled, and blown away when I hear about a business that still hasn’t joined the profitable marketing party that is Facebook advertising.

Facebook also makes it incredible easy to get started so a lack of time, money, or resources is simply not an excuse.

Especially with top quality training programs available, the ability to start for as little as a few dollars a day, and for businesses with a larger marketing budget, access to top quality Facebook Ad strategists that specialize in creating high converting Facebook Ad campaigns designed to provide your business with a substantial return on investment.

The takeaway point is this: If you’re not currently using Facebook Ads to promote your business, you need to be. And you need to start now.

3. Livestream

For those who aren’t afraid to take the next promotional step towards building the business of their dreams, Facebook Livestreaming is the next logical piece of the puzzle.

This is because there are few media options out there that build trust as quickly and effectively as talking to someone live, face to face, in an authentic, transparent, and in all honesty, a pretty vulnerable way.

And that’s exactly where Facebook livestreaming shines. By allowing you to broadcast yourself live on your Facebook page you’re able to build a bigger, better, and deeper level of connection with your customers and clients.

There’s also the added benefit that Facebook loves seeing it’s users adopt its livestreaming feature which means you’re rewarded with better reach and should you decide to put a little money behind it, a lower cost per impression than many other advertising options.

By far the biggest obstacle to entry when it comes to livestreaming though is fear. After all, it takes a lot of guts to get up there live in front of an audience and start broadcasting your message out into the world.

I’d like to tell you it’s easy, but it does come with its challenges. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help calm the fear so you can get out there and promote your business like a boss.

First, you need to remember why you’re doing this in the first place.

Building, growing, and scaling a business isn’t easy, but here you are taking those risks, overcoming challenges, and building a solid and profitable venture.

So look at livestreaming as just one more challenging thing you need to learn about and overcome.

Next, a little bit of preparation goes a long way. Have a good idea about what you want to talk about before going live and have some notes handy as well to keep you on track. Lastly, start small. It’s ok to do a live broadcast of only a couple minutes.

The key is in putting yourself out there and attaching a name and a face to your business which does wonders to overcome objections and break down the walls of skepticism your potential customers and clients may have.

4. Groups

A great way to build a substantial level of authority in your industry fast is to become the go-to source for information in your market.

And a great way to do this is by creating a Facebook Group just for your ideal customers and clients. Facebook Groups are quick and easy to setup, and have a variety of privacy options that allow you to choose who gets in, who to kick out, what they see, and how easy your group is to find.

The key with starting a Facebook Group is to base it around the problem your business solves or the industry you’re in, and not your business name itself.

An example of this if you owned a personal training business would be to start a group called Fitness Fanatics, rather than naming it after you or your gym. Or if you’re in the business of business consulting, then call your group Business Growth Strategy rather than the name of your consulting company.

By doing it this way, it allows you to attract a wider range of potential clients and customers by appealing to their needs rather than simply trying to promote your company.

The Facebook Domination Formula Recap

Alright, we covered a lot of stuff in this video, so let’s break it down piece by piece so you’ll have some actionable steps to start implementing in your business.

  1. First, you have organic posts which can be useful, but don’t spend too much time or money there as this isn’t where you’re going to get the biggest bang for your marketing buck.
  2. Then we have Facebook Ads. This IS where you want to be spending the bulk of your time and resources as deploying a Facebook Ad strategy in your business is one of the most effective business promoting tools available today.
  3. After that we covered livestreaming which is an amazing way to build rapid levels of trust, rapport, and engagement. While it can be a bit scary at first, the rewards are well worth the risks, and overtime you’ll become a lot better, and a lot more comfortable being in front of the camera.
  4. Finally we covered groups, which can be created and setup around a problem your business solves, or the industry you’re in. Groups are great because they help increase engagement and allow you to further interact with your customers and clients.

Now obviously it would be great if you could do all 4, organic, paid, livestreaming, Facebook Ads and groups.

However, if you’re just getting started and only have the resources for 1, then paid Facebook Ads are easily the best place to start and will help provide the quickest wins when it comes to promoting your business with social media.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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