How to Get More Leads on YouTube

Views are great, subscribers are awesome…

And seeing those little thumbs up buttons on your videos make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

But if you’re an entrepreneur who’s got a business to grow, then you know that leads are what are really important.

And that’s why on this episode, we’re talking all about how to get more leads on YouTube.

So you can grow your business and your channel.

We’re talking about YouTube lead gen because more leads mean more opportunities to connect.

And more opportunities to connect mean more opportunities to convert.

And more opportunities to convert mean more revenue, growth, and more awesomeness all around.

So how do you generate more leads on YouTube?

Why with the simple three-step strategy of course.

These three steps have enabled me and my clients to generate leads at or below cost to virtually every other social media channel out there.

So well worth diving into.

All right enough said, lets dive in…

Step number one: Creating Killer Kontent

Yes, I spelled content with a K.

(That’s just for effect.)

Now, what this is all about is creating really relevant and strategic content that your ideal target market or ideal viewer would be all about consuming.

See this part is really important because without a proper foundation of really solid content…

Well you’re gonna attract either the wrong type of audience or no audience at all.

So you wanna spend a little bit of time beforehand and go through a proper content marketing strategy.

The way to do this is by figuring out your customers’ pains, problems, the solutions that you offer that can solve them…

And then go about creating content that way.

This way you’re gonna ensure that the content you create is specific to the target market that you’re trying to attract.

You’d be surprised how many different channels create irrelevant content.

And it’s not irrelevant in the sense that it’s not interesting; it’s irrelevant to the market they’re trying to attract.

So what happens?

Well, they end up attracting a market of people they don’t wanna serve and people who aren’t necessarily gonna buy from them.

And what’s the point of that?

Obviously there’s a lot that goes into creating a proper video content marketing strategy.

But in general, the longer, the more frequent, and the better the videos you’re able to produce…

Well, the more material you’re gonna have to work with in the future steps.

One of the secrets that makes this first step of creating killer content so effective is:

Contrary to many of the other lead gen strategies out there, the goal here is to actually keep your traffic and your audience on YouTube.

(Rather than trying to siphon them off and get them offsite as quickly as possible.)

There’s a very strategic reason that we’re doing this.

But in general, what we’re doing is we’re keeping YouTube happy by keeping people on their platform.

And we’re keeping your leads happy by building trust and rapport and providing value in the best way we know how.

Step number two: An Attractive Audience

When we’re talking about creating an attractive audience, I’m not talking about creating an audience of attractive people…

But rather people that would be attracted to your business and that you are attracted to.

So I guess that is attractive people.

Regardless, this step takes place off YouTube and in the Google AdWords platform.

Now don’t be scared.

Creating an ad and creating an audience in AdWords is actually really simple.

Obviously you’re gonna need an account.

But once that’s done, all you need to do is link up your YouTube account.

After that the world is pretty much your oyster, and you’ve got all the tools available right at your fingertips.

In this step, what you’re gonna be doing is creating an audience of people who have watched your videos.

This is why step one of making sure that you’re creating the right content for the right people is so important.

Because otherwise the second step won’t really matter if you’ve got the wrong people.

But I digress.

In AdWords you wanna create this audience of people who have watched your videos.

This is gonna be a custom audience, but you can also create an audience of people who look like people who have watched your videos.

(Which is gonna give you even more people to market to.)

Later down the road and once you’re a little more familiar with AdWords and how that all works in regards to advertising on YouTube…

You do have some other options available, including building audiences of people that have visited your website and things like that.

But let’s leave that for another day.

Step number three: Relevant Recall

At this stage you’ve created that killer kontent.

You’ve built up an attractive audience of people who have watched your videos and people who look like people who have watched our videos…

So now it’s time to get your message in front of them which is gonna help you generate those leads.

Now this is the stage when we can start to drive traffic off of YouTube and into your lead gen funnel of choice.

Any lead gen funnel is gonna work just fine here.

Whether you’re choosing to offer a lead magnet, or you’re trying to give them a discount or getting them to watch another video.

I’ve seen everything work here.

But the key of course is to make sure that whatever you’re offering in exchange for those details is of value and is desired by your market.

Now, what makes this such an effective strategy is the fact that we’re doing our ask in the ad itself.

This means that we’re spending all our time creating content to keep people on YouTube.

Then we’re running ads in order to get them off YouTube, which YouTube is more than happy to help us do.

(They are an advertising platform after all.)

Now YouTube ads come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes, and I’m sure you’ve seen more than a few.

Again these are all set up in the Google AdWords platform.

So once you’ve set up your account, don’t be afraid to test out a few different options.

See which one works best for your business, your market, and your offer.

If you’ve never created a video ad before, here’s my free 60-second video ad script that you can use and model for your own business.

All right so let’s bring this full circle.

Most people are trying to generate leads on YouTube in entirely the wrong direction…

By going straight for the kill right away and trying to get people off YouTube as quickly as they can.

But this is a lose-lose strategy.

Rather, what you wanna do is spend your time creating quality and killer content.

Specifically for YouTube, to keep people on, keep people engaged, and rack up your viewers and your subscribers.

Once that’s done, you wanna build up an audience of people who have watched your videos as well as people who look like people who have watched your videos.

Then finally you wanna make your lead gen call to action through the use of a YouTube ad

Which is where you can ask people to go off of YouTube to download your lead magnet or register for your call or download a coupon or whatever you decide to use.

The benefits of this approach is that it keeps YouTube happy, which means more people are gonna get to see your videos.

And it’ll keep your leads happy by providing value before making that ask. Win-win.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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