Getting Personal . . . And FINALLY Doing What You’ve Told Me To Do

So, on most weeks I send out helpful marketing tips for you and your business.

Well . . . today is a bit different.

I want pull back the curtain a little bit and share something more personal.

Here goes.

We recently had my son’s first ever birthday party (he turned 1 so it was really more for the adults than him but regardless…)

And during the party we were having a conversation (the adults, not the babies) and the question came up “Do you like your birthday?” (Most people did, if you happened to be wondering).

I smiled at the question.

This particular group of friends didn’t know (yet) about the strong feelings I have about my birthday. This got me thinking about how I should share some of this with you.

You will see why as you read further.

All my closest friends know that I think of my birthday (It’s in November) as my own personal New Year.

I always celebrate my birthday….even if I don’t like how fast life is going and how quickly things seem to be flying by.

I think of it as a time of letting go, changing, and expansion.

I think about my past year and what I want to change, do and accomplish in my New Year both personally and professionally.

My friends laugh with me, and at me, they celebrate with me and they may not always admit it, but I think I get them to think about their “New Year” also.

Here are just a few examples of past years for me.

I’ve made goals for . . .

Places to travel (I’ve visited 30 countries so far, so there are many, many more on the list)

Going to the gym more often (not terribly original I realize)

Trying a new sport (I really want to complete a marathon one of these years and distance running has never been my strong point) or hobby (my friend is great at cooking on the BBQ and I’ve always wanted to get better)

  • Trying Meditating (I can now usually fit in 5 minutes a day)
  • Eating healthier (cutting down on sugar was harder than I thought it would be, that stuff is in everything!)
  • Working less (and spending the additional time with my family and friends)
  • Stretching (I still can’t touch my toes… or even really half way down my shins)
  • Run a marathon (could this year be the year…?)
  • Say “yes” more (to friends and family)
  • Say “no” more (so I can say “yes” more to the things that matter most)
  • Create a new product for business owners and entrepreneurs
  • Be an awesome Dad

…and the list goes on.

Some big goals and some small, but all with the intention of creating something new.

Changing it up so to speak.

Anyway, even though this year wasn’t a “big number” year, it felt hugely different.

I’ve found myself having BIG paradigm shifts in my life and the way I look at my business.

And I don’t think it’s a midlife crisis (unless you can have midlife crisis in your 30’s?)

Maybe it’s having a new baby, maybe it’s seeing my business reach new levels of success, or maybe it’s something else entirely….who knows!

You may be asking, “Adam, its 7 months into your ‘New Year’, why are you telling us this now?”

What I didn’t tell you is that I made this year about YOU!!

I’m serious.

As many of you have noticed, I am revamping the way I do business and am focusing on what YOU have told me over the years that you would like to see me offer or address.

Hence, the weekly blog, the weekly “Modern Marketing” Newsletter, a new YouTube channel and show, and a host of free giveaways and freebies that have come up available for download in the last few months.

There’s still more to come!

I am always interested to know what you wish for me to provide, so keep the ideas coming!

But… (the infamous “But)…

There is one REALLY BIG request you have made that I’ve been holding back on – for YEARS – despite many of your pleadings and outcries.

I’m contemplating changing my mind and giving you what you’ve been asking for since, well, pretty much the beginning of time.

But I’m nervous because it means sharing with you more of myself and my business than I have in the past.

And I’m also going to need your help.

Anyway, that REALLY BIG request is… (stay tuned until next time)

-Adam Erhart

P.S. I’ll be back with more details in a couple of days. But until then, send me an email or better yet, tell me in the comments where you’re headed this summer. Any goals for your personal “New Year”? Does anyone else do this nonsense?

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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