How to Hire the Very Best People

In a recent survey, the topic of how to hire the best people came up as one of the leading concerns for small business owners.

Which is why in this post we’re covering exactly that.

And I’m giving you my very best tips and strategies on how to attract the very best, brightest and most awesome people for your business.

It’s no secret that people make the business.

So finding, hiring and keeping the very best people possible is always good business practice.

But with competition for A-players and star employees at an all-time high

How do you make your business stand out as the one to work for?

And how do you set up a system to attract these A-players on autopilot?

So they come to you rather than having to seek them out every time you need some new talent?

Well, the answer is actually really simple.

It’s not easy, but it is simple.

So let’s get to it.

Step #1 to attracting the very best people is to understand that recruitment is marketing.

Meaning, the same process and the same strategies that you use to go out there and attract the best clients and customers for your business?

Well, you’re going to want to adapt these and deploy them in the same way to attract the best possible people to hire for your business.

What this means is making sure you’re putting your best foot forward.

And representing your company or business in the best light possible.

Far too often I see companies putting out boring job descriptions, on boring websites, using boring language.

Now is not the time to be boring.

Especially if you’re trying to attract top talent.

Step #2 is to go where they are.

You want to identify the characteristics of those A-players that you really want to attract, and then find out where they’re spending their time.

(Both online and offline)…

And make an effort to be present there.

If it’s those boring job sites that I just talked about, well then, so be it.

But I’d venture that it’s probably more likely to be Facebook, Instagram, or maybe even LinkedIn.

Step #3 is to get engaged.

What this means is, now that we’ve established where they are, where they’re spending their time…

It’s time to get engaged and start interacting with them and figuring out what their interests are so you can join the conversation.

In the same way that we do this with our customers and clients in order to gain some valuable insights about their interests so we can tailor our marketing and messaging…

Well, you wanna do the same when you’re trying to attract top key people to your business.

Now, getting engaged could mean all sorts of different things.

You could either start a group, or you could have people in your company start creating key content, or you could simply start interacting in other people’s groups.

Essentially the goal here is just to be human.

Be authentic and to start gaining some valuable insights into the language, dreams and desires they’re looking for.

So you can better tailor your message and job offer to attract them.

Also, as a bit of a side note, when we’re talking about creating content about your business and you industry…

Don’t be afraid to pull back the curtains a little bit and show what’s behind the door.

Because people are interested in learning a lot about the culture and what it’s like to work for your business.

So, don’t be afraid to show that because it’s really valuable information.

Step #4 is to humanize.

Again, the same way that clients and customers don’t like to do business with faceless corporations, but enjoy doing business with people.

To make your company that much more attractive to those top employees you want to hire…

You want to humanize your business as much as possible.

Which means not being afraid to show a little bit about the culture and the vision.

And the personalities of not only the business itself, but the people working there too.

Fortunately, because of social media, this is more simple than ever.

And everyone from an intern all the way up to the CEO can have a voice and get it out there.

A quick caveat:

If you’re going to let everyone have a voice on social media, make sure you’re all on the same page!

Step #5 is to have an effective recruitment funnel.

At this point, it’s time to walk through your entire recruitment hiring, attraction and selection process and really streamline it.

By this I mean mapping out the entire process that you would use to go out there and attract people.

And then essentially walk them through the entire recruitment and selection process.

Which website are they gonna visit first? Which form are they gonna fill out? Which video should they watch next? When’s the interview?

All that type of stuff.

A recruitment funnel shouldn’t be that much different than a marketing funnel.

Because again, you are marketing your business.

So take the time to choreograph the entire process in order to really make your business stand out.

This, in turn, is going to give you complete control over the entire hiring, and attraction and selection process.

Which is gonna make your job a lot easier.

And is also going to allow you to better attract those A-players and top key stars.

Alright, so we’ve covered the five steps—let’s wrap them up so we can get you on your way.

Step #1 – understand that recruitment is marketing

So you do need to dedicate a sufficient amount of time, energy and resources into making sure that you’re putting your company in the best light possible.

Step #2 – go where they are

Just like with marketing, we want to go where that top talent is.

So that we can start interacting with them there, instead of expecting them to come to us.

Step #3 – get engaged

Which means be human and be authentic.

And be active where they are so you can better interact and get some valuable market data back from them.

About what they’re interested in, the language they use and the things they’re looking for in their ideal jobs.

Step #4 – make sure to humanize

People like doing business with people and not faceless corporations.

So don’t be afraid to add your personality and put a face to the company.

Step #5 – make sure you’ve got a well-choreographed recruitment funnel

Which is gonna save you time and allow you to have complete control over the entire process.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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