Service Business Marketing Strategy

Today we’re talking about all the strategies and tactics behind marketing your service-based business.

So, seeing as you have a business to run…

Let’s get right to them with 5 of my absolute best strategies to grow your business

The first and most important thing you need to do when trying to grow and trying to market your service-based business is…

1. Prioritize Marketing

This means to give marketing the respect it deserves.

Let me elaborate.

Obviously, you already understand how important marketing is, after all, you’re here reading this article right now.

But the important thing is, you want to carry on this trend and continue it through all of your business.

Because, when it comes to growing and marketing a service-based business, there are obvious differences between services and products.

Namely, when we’re talking about services, we don’t have that physical or tangible thing that we can show our prospects.

So, we rely on marketing in order to convey the benefits and the value that our business provides.

And the way we convey this value, is with marketing.

So for this reason, step number one is to continue on the trend that you’re currently on…

By prioritizing marketing, and making sure that it stays an integral and core part of your business moving forward.

2. Highlight the End State

What we’re talking about here is what the benefits are that your client is going to experience when they do business with your company.

So, in the same way when we’re talking about selling a physical product where we can actually show them something…

When we’re talking about service-based businesses, we need to clearly articulate the end state that they’re going to experience.

(And all the benefits that they’re going to get when doing business with your company.)

Now, one of the best ways to do this is to fully express all of the benefits that your business provides.

And making sure to paint this in as clear a way as possible.

Don’t be shy here.

You want to fully articulate and fully express all the benefits and all the good feelings and positive emotions that they’re going to experience after they’ve done business with you.

You see, when it comes to marketing and really selling a service-based business, your customers and clients are going to be at point A…and you want to take them to point Z.

Essentially, what we want to do here is really fully express all the emotions.

And that’s the key here: is to really focus on the emotions they’re going to experience once they’ve achieved this end state.

(Which you’re going to be able to deliver for them.)

Now, on the same note, where they’re at right now, they’re obviously going to be experiencing some level of pain…

And it’s okay to put a little salt in the wound to be able to acknowledge that they’ve got this pain, and that there is a solution to it.

When we’re talking about the benefits that your business provides, and the emotional end state that you want to get them to…

It’s okay as well to reference that initial state which is likely going to make them experience some form of pain.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be physical pain that we’re talking about.

But regardless, for someone to seek you out and take action, they’re going to be experiencing some level of discomfort in their life.

After all, that’s what your business is going to solve!

3. Bridge the Gap

This is essentially taking the pain that they’ve got…

Taking the solution that you have…

And then painting out a clear and simple process to get them there.

Now, the better and the more clear, and the simpler you’re able to spell this process out, the better you’re gonna do when it comes to marketing your service business.

This is because clarity sells.

Simple sells.

And confusing your customers is one of the fastest ways to lose a sale.

So make your process clear.

Spell it out in as simple of terms as possible.

And understand that the customer or client that you’re dealing with simply doesn’t know as much about your business as you do.

A bonus tip is, if you’re able to take the method that you normally walk people through, and give it some sort of proprietary name, or some signature system…

Well, that’s going to uniquely position you as the sole person who’s able to deliver this unique or proprietary methodology.

Which means, if somebody wants access to your signature system, well, they’re gonna have to get it from you.

So, while we’re working on bridging the gap from pain to benefit, you want to start creating content around these topics.

This is because the content is gonna do much of the heavy lifting for you, whether we’re talking about a blog, or a video, or a podcast…

What ever it is, this marketing collateral, marketing assets, or marketing content will help to educate and pre-qualify your customer.

So that when they show up, they’re in a great position, and ready to buy.

If you’re a first-time creator of content, and feeling a little overwhelmed, I can get you started by clicking here.

4. Go Where They Are

At this point in the game, you understand marketing is important.

You know the benefits you provide.

You know the pain they have.

You’ve worked on bridging the gap.

So what are you going to do with this content and with this marketing collateral?

Well, this is where it’s really important to go to the one, two, maybe three places where your prospects spend their time online.

This means, if you know your market spends a lot of time on Facebook, then Facebook ads are probably the right place for you.

If they watch a lot of videos on YouTube, well then, you might want to consider a YouTube channel.

If you’re in the B2B market, well then LinkedIn might not be a bad place to spend some of your time, and put some of your content.

And, if they’re frequent consumers of podcasts, then it might be a good time to pull out that microphone and polish up your best DJ voice.

Regardless, the key to successful marketing and to connecting with your market is to make sure that you’re in alignment across you market, your message, and your media.

And that means going where they are.

5. Overdeliver

The key here is to make sure you really knock it out of the park for your clients by WAY overdelivering, and exceeding their expectations.

This in turn is going to lead to repeat business, referrals, and far more revenue for your company.

So there you have it.

The five simple steps to grow your service-based business and help you get more revenue, more sales, more leads and more customers.

So, to recap…

Number one: prioritize your marketing.

Number two: highlight the end state.

Number three: bridge the gap.

Number four: go where they are.

And number five: over deliver.

Put those all together, and you’ll have a business that’s overflowing with clients just begging to buy from you.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

The One Page Marketing Cheatsheet

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