Does Social Media Marketing Work?

Yes! Yes, it does.

Now we could really stop there, but for those of you who need a little more convincing, let’s dive into the who, what, where, when, why, and how of social media that make it one of this century’s greatest marketing achievements and opportunities.

So does social media marketing actually work?

After all, social media in the grand scheme of things is still relatively new, especially when compared to newspapers, radio, and even television which have decades and decades of research behind them.  

I can understand why there are still a few skeptics out there. But skepticism is no excuse for ignoring the facts, and the facts are pretty evident that not only does social media work, it works incredibly well, and is now pretty much a mandatory part of doing business today.

So without further ado, let’s dive into the who, what, where, when, why, and how of social media marketing that make it such a valuable tool.

The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of Social Media

  • The Who

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, regardless of what business, industry, or market you’re in, there’s a social media platform out there that was all but designed for your business.  

Whether you’re a doctor, a lawyer, a plumber, a fiberglass manufacturer, a bakery, a geological survey company, or an international tire manufacturer, there is a social media platform out there that can help you better connect with your customers, and help you generate more leads, sales, and revenue for your business.

Social media is for everyone, and ignoring it or not using it to the best of your advantage only shows your businesses lack of interest in staying current, relevant, and relatable to your customers.

  • The What

The next question I get is what social media channel should I use?

Well this one is actually pretty simple, and all comes down to your customers.

More specifically, what social media platforms do they use?

After all, it doesn’t make sense to invest time and money on a platform where you’re unlikely to run into any current or potential customers. The flip side is that it doesn’t make sense NOT to be active and present on platforms where your customers ARE spending their time.  

So the key here is to find out what platforms your customers use, and then dedicate a part of your marketing to connecting with them there.

  • The Where

Where should you use social media?


Use it to tell your brands story, use it to showcase your products or services, use it to highlight and spotlight your customers, and use it to give your customers a behind the scenes look at your company and how things work.

Set clear guidelines with your employees, but at the same time give them some freedom and control, and understand that marketing is everybody’s job, not just the marketing departments.

  • The When

So when should you use social media?

Regularly, and consistently.

Plan ahead by creating a content calendar and setting daily, weekly, and monthly guidelines that correspond with upcoming promotions, seasons, offers, or launches.

Whatever your schedule may be, make sure to stick to it.

There’s nothing worse than the business that posts 30 times in one day at the end of the month because they forgot to post anything for the last 4 weeks. That’s amateur hour, and can be defeated by simply creating a schedule, and then sticking to it.

  • The Why

So why use social media?

Well for starters, not only will it help your business today, it will also protect your business tomorrow.

After all, over 90% of young adults from 18-29 use social media, and a full third of millennial’s say that social media is their preferred way of communicating with a business.

Facebook video now sees over 8 billion average daily views and YouTube reaches more 18-49 year olds than any cable network in the US.  And social media use continues to grow with the average social media user maintaining 5 different accounts.  

Long story short, social media is now an integral part of everyday life, both personally, and in business. And ignoring it sends a powerful and negative message to your customers.

  • The How

So with all that said, what’s the best way to use social media in your business to better attract, connect, and nurture relationships with your customers?

Well, it all comes down to being authentic and engaged.

First, find the social media channels that your customers are active on and the ones that best align with your brand and business.

Then, don’t be afraid to be yourself and put your business out there. Show your brand and business for who you are and that you’re not a faceless corporation, but actually have real people working in your business.

Next, all you need to do is show up. Make sure that you stay active and engaged as you build your online community by regularly checking in, posting helpful and valuable content, and responding to comments or shares. You can start small, but you need to start today.

Far too often, social media marketing is made to seem more complicated than it is.

Sure there are some advanced ninja level tactics out there to really help scale your results, but not knowing them yet is no excuse to not get started, so your business can start benefiting from the incredible power that is social media marketing.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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