How to Spark Creativity in Your Business

It’s Friday!

Which brings both tears of sadness and tears of joy to my eyes.

You see the weekends are time I dedicate to family, friends, and fun… which are CRUCIAL ingredients to business performance believe it or not.

And something I neglected (badly) during my early years in business. Thankfully, those I cared about still stood by and supported me as I “hustled” – cause that’s what you’re supposed to do right?

(Some days I would wake up at 3am and then work till sundown, collapsing at my desk, only to do it all again… in the words of Gwen Stefani “this @#$% is bananas”)!

So the weekend is recharge time so I can fill my mind with fresh ideas, inspiration, and make my family feel like they’re the most important things in the world to me (which they are).

This, in turn, allows me to come back to work fully charged and ready to take on the world. By taking weekends off, I actually get WAY more stuff done during the week. (WAY more. Like it’s not even close to how it was before.) 

So the tears of joy are the family, friends, and fun.

But what about these tears of sadness I speak of?

Well… if you haven’t figured out by now…. I love marketing. 

Boy, oh boy, do I love marketing!

  • More than flipping houses. (Where I first made my money)
  • More than sales (I sold skimboards in high school, running shoes in college, and sporting goods after college)
  • More than flying business jets all over the world. (For 7 years, I worked for billionaires, living in London, Paris, and Cairo, and traveling the world, business jet-style was a pretty good gig for a 20-something kid. The flying and travel was cool but I learned a LOT about business from my billionaire passengers and employers!)

But even with all that, for me? Marketing is where it’s at!

(Calling me a marketing nerd, an advertising geek, or a copywriting bookworm doesn’t bother me at all!)

So time away from marketing is hard for me.

But I know that after years of experience, the only way to look at things differently is to do different things.

So time away is time well spent as it allows you to approach things from different angles, with fresh inspiration, new ideas, and clarity of mind.

So… what are you up to this weekend? Let me know in the comments!

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

The One Page Marketing Cheatsheet

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