The TCR Advantage (Traffic, Conversion, Retention)

No matter what stage of the game your business is at there’s a perfect marketing strategy out there for you.

Brand new or in startup mode?

Then you’re going to need traffic in order to start finding some people to sell to.

Been around for a bit and have plenty of leads but none of them seem to be buying? Then you’ve got a conversion problem and need a way to turn your traffic into buyers. Or are you well established and have buyers that buy once but then disappear?

Because in that case you’re missing out on one of the most profitable segments of your market, and need a way to retain and continue to serve your customers.

And that’s why in this article, we’re walking through the 3 Step “TCR Advantage” so you can get more traffic, more conversions, and better retention so you can generate more customers, more sales, and more revenue for your business.

The beauty of the TCR Progression is it’s simplicity which allows you to quickly cut through the noise and focus on what’s most important to you and your business, right now. All you need to do is identify which area of your business needs attention and then focus your efforts there.

Need more people to know about your business and visit your website, stop by your store, or give you a call. Then you need to focus on Step 1 which is Traffic.

Have enough traffic and visitors but aren’t turning enough of them into actual paying customers? Then you need to focus on Step 2, Conversion.

Or have plenty of traffic and plenty of customers but really want to maximize your revenue by increasing their lifetime value and selling them more of your products or services? Then you need to focus on Step 3, Retention.

But just knowing these steps isn’t enough, so let’s dive in a little deeper and for each stage, I’ll give you 2 of my top tried and tested tools, to help you boost your bottom line.

1. Traffic

It all starts with traffic because without traffic and without anybody knowing you exist it’s kind of hard to make any sales. The good news is there are a number of amazing traffic sources out there right now, but by far, my top 2 recommendations are Facebook Ads for short term wins, and content marketing for a more sustainable and long term approach.

Alone these are both amazing tools but when you combine them together you create an unstoppable force destined for market domination.

2. Conversion

Once you’ve got traffic it’s time to turn them into leads and customers. The way to do this is twofold.

  1. First you need to offer something of value in exchange for your prospects contact information. We call this little beauty a lead magnet and is one of the single most valuable pieces of content any business can have.
  2. Next, you need a way to deliver this lead magnet and avoid distracting, confusing, or side tracking your prospect with too many calls to action or conflicting messages, and the best way to do this is with a landing page, which is basically just a bare bones page on your website that offers your lead magnet to your prospect, and nothing else.

3. Retention

Once you’ve got traffic and leads it’s time to turn them into customers and then increase the lifetime value of your customers through the continued service and offering of new things for them to buy.

The best way to do this is again a combination approach, but this time your tools will be email marketing and retargeting ads, like the ones offered by Facebook and a number of other online advertising platforms.

The beauty here is that not only is it a lot more profitable to focus on retaining and upselling current customers, it’s also a lot cheaper to stay top of mind as the market you’ll be contacting will by nature be significantly smaller.

The TCR Advantage

The benefit, or advantage, of the TCR Advantage is that it can be deployed piece by piece, or in its entirety thereby creating a complete and effective digital marketing funnel for your business.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

The One Page Marketing Cheatsheet

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