The 25 Hour Day

What if I told you there really was a way to get an extra hour out of your day.

There’s a magical and powerful time that successful and productive people use and exploit to the fullest that enables them to accomplish more during the day.

This extra hour comes without interruptions, phone calls, or distractions, and lets you get down to work and accomplish your most important tasks before the fury of emails and requests comes flooding your way.

The problem with this extra hour is that it can be uncomfortable at first, and so the majority of people simply let it drift by without ever taking advantage of it.

But like anything worthwhile, the discomfort fades and is quickly replaced by ambition, drive, energy, and excitement that you’re in control of your future, and are actively pursuing your dreams and goals.

So when is this magical 25th hour?


Most people wake up around 6 or 7am. What this means is that by waking up an hour earlier the world is yours.

5am is now my favorite time of day. I wake up, drink a glass of water, feed the dog, make a quick breakfast, and then immediately dive into a project that I want to work on.

I’m able to work for an hour or two of completely uninterrupted time before my family wakes up and comes downstairs.

This is completely bonus time that I use to work on projects, to read, or to study.

Waking up early comes with other benefits as well, aside from just an extra uninterrupted hour.

Studies have shown that “morning people” are more productive, more proactive, are better able to anticipate problems, are better planners, maintain better exercise routines, are more optimistic, and somehow manage to get better sleep overall. (Forbes)

Even with all of these benefits the allure of sleep is still to great for some, so here are 3 ways to make it easier to get out bed and take advantage of the 25th hour.

1. Prepare the night before

Lay everything out you’re going to need in the morning to make getting up simple and straightforward. Lay out your clothes, plan your breakfast, and put your coffee maker on a timer. If the day is already waiting for you it’s a lot easier to get up and greet it.

2. Start with fun

Most productivity experts advise starting with your most challenging and difficult task first thing in the morning. If waking up early is new to you however, this is a good way to scare yourself off and make sleeping in a lot more appealing.

For the first few weeks try to find a book or some study material on something you’d like to learn about and use that extra hour first thing in the morning to read.

When you’re a little more used to getting up early you can start to transition to working on projects and goals, but for now educational reading is a great place to start and will still produce a positive effect on your business and life.

3. Move the alarm clock

If you’re still having trouble waking up early, try moving the alarm clock to the other side of the room. This will force you to get out of bed. Staying in bed is a lot easier than going back to bed after you’re already up, so use this to your advantage.

Getting up early can be a challenge at first, but the rewards are well worth the efforts, and it really does get easier over time.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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