The Most Powerful Mindset for Success (and How to Develop it)

A lot has been said, written and studied on the subjects of achievement, high performance and success.

It’s almost overwhelming just how much information is out there.

So today we’re diving in and uncovering the single most powerful mindset for success and how you can start to develop it today.

Actually, we’re going deeper than just marketing and uncovering the single most powerful element in the mindset that you need to have success with all of your marketing and business…

I remember the first time I heard the quote that success was 80% attitude and 20% aptitude.

I thought they were nuts; it simply couldn’t be true.

But after years of experiencing this and seeing it more and more in every area of my life, I knew they were onto something.

And as I started to see this come to fruition, I also noticed the trends: both consciously and subconsciously…

Then my beliefs started to shift and I realized just how valuable and how important this lesson really was.

It turns out they were right.

See, it wasn’t Facebook ads, or a fancy website, or really good copy writing, or a good video marketing strategy that got to me where I was…

It was mostly mindset.

So with all that said, let’s dive in and uncover the most powerful mindset for success and how you can develop it too.

The world’s highest performing entrepreneurs, billionaires, pro athletes and high achievers of every kind all have one core belief and one core mindset behind them:

That is a growth mindset.

A growth mindset simply means that they believe that they can continue to learn, improve and adapt.

And that their intelligence, or abilities or any talents aren’t pre-determined or set at a fixed level.

Rather, they can continue getting better over time.

A growth mindset gives you motivation and the power to change.

The fixed mindset on the other hand gives you excuses and the ability to blame.

You see, a fixed mindset allows you to coast and waste what could have been an amazing life.

By having this misplaced belief that your abilities are pre-determined and stuck.

And you’re never gonna be able to get any better or any smarter and improve in almost any area of your life.

So the very first step in establishing and developing a growth mindset in yourself is to first accept that this is not true.

After all, we’ve got the science to prove this.

And, most of the high achievers in the world believe this to be true.

So we might as well copy and emulate them.

So, first things first:

You need to understand that you’re not stuck.

But rather, you have the ability–in fact it’s in your DNA–to change and improve and grow and adapt.

If you’re still having a hard time accepting this all you need to do is take a look back at your life for previous areas of success.

Have you ever learned anything?

Have you ever achieved anything?

Well, proof of what you’ve done before is proof that you can do it again.

The next step in developing a growth mindset in yourself is…

Understanding that the past doesn’t necessarily equal the future.

What this means is that there’s nothing stopping you today from pursuing your biggest, wildest, and most audacious dreams and goals.

The fact that they weren’t accomplished yesterday, or the week before, or the month before, or any time really doesn’t matter.

Because today is all we have and anything is possible and everything has been leading up to this moment.

As we’ve already covered: science has proven that you can learn and you can grow and you can continue to change and adapt and improve.

So, everything that’s been leading up to this moment has only been there to help you and support you for what is about to happen today.

So remember: the past doesn’t equal the future, and the best time to start is today.

The next step is to understand that the opposite of success isn’t failure; it’s not trying.

You see, the road to success is paved with what many unsuccessful people would call “failures”.

But rather, failures are really just part of the journey.

In fact, some would argue that failure is a necessary part of success.

And, some of the world’s most successful people haven’t had less failures…

They’ve actually had orders of magnitude more failures.

But they’ve pushed through.

They’ve continued learning, they’ve continued growing and they’ve continued adapting.

And that’s what’s got them to where they are today.

The next step in developing a growth mindset is to become a lifelong learner and embrace learning.

Successful people and those with a growth mindset know that education and learning doesn’t stop at school.

Rather, that’s just when the fun begins.

I remember when I first graduated, I was so excited that I could finally study all of the things that I wanted to.

I think I went on an Amazon shopping spree and bought pretty much every book I’d ever been interested in.

Finally I had the freedom and the time to study the subjects that I was most interested in.

So don’t be afraid to explore that for yourself.

What’s a hobby, what’s a skill, what’s something new that you wanna learn?

Well get in there and fully embrace it.

Soak up as much knowledge and as much information as you can.

The beauty here is that learning actually increases your ability to think.

Therefore, the more you learn, the more you wanna learn and the better you get at learning.

And it all starts with diving in and picking up that first book.

Or taking that first course, or hiring a first mentor–whatever it is.

The next step is to do hard things.

What I mean by this is you wanna challenge yourself every opportunity you get.

You see, you don’t wanna stay stuck in your comfort zone.

Rather, you wanna continue to push the boundaries of what you think is possible.

I know this is hard.

In fact, the body and the mind are gonna fight you every step of the way.

Because you are designed; and in fact, you’ve evolved to seek out comfort.

So there’s nothing wrong here, but you’ve gotta adapt and challenge these beliefs by putting yourself in uncomfortable situations.

As the saying goes:

“Do hard things, have an easy life. Do easy things, have a hard life.”

Success isn’t easy, but it is simple.

And it all starts with building and fostering a growth mindset that prioritizes learning, challenging yourself/b> and continual ovement.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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