The REAL Reason Your Facebook Ads Are Not Converting (…And How To Fix It)

Facebook Ads are still one of the most effective forms of digital marketing available today.

But they also come with their share of headaches and frustrations, especially when you sink your precious marketing budget and hard earned time, money, and energy in creating the perfect Facebook Ad only to watch it fall flat on its face.

As great as Facebook as I understand it can also be pretty frustrating at times. Especially when you’ve got a campaign that just will not convert.

Maybe you’re getting impressions but no clicks, or maybe you’re getting clicks, but they’re not sticking around long enough to see your page load, or maybe you’re getting all that but they still just won’t convert.

Well, after 7 years of running a Facebook Advertising agency, having created, managed, and audited countless thousands of ads there is an almost universal trait that the winning ads have that the losing ones do not.

That’s why in this video we’re talking all about the real reason your Facebook ads aren’t converting and I’m giving you my best advice on how to fix it once and for all.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

The One Page Marketing Cheatsheet

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