The Simple Secret Behind The Power Of Attraction

I’m sure you’ve all heard of the best selling book and movie “The Secret”. Released almost a decade ago this book highlights the wonderful and mythical concept of “The Power Of Attraction”.

For some, learning about this concept was a life changer. For others, it seemed too far out there and unrealistic to be useful. And for others, it simply confirmed something they already knew and were practicing on a daily event.

The magic behind “The Secret” is the “Power of Attraction”, whereby through positive thinking, visualization, and gratitude, we can all manifest whatever it is we desire.

This is not a new concept however. Many of the worlds most successful people have been using this idea for hundreds, even thousands of years. Plato first thought up the idea of attractive force back in 391 BC. and the book The Master Key System was a main source of inspiration for The Secret.

Too Good To Be True?

While “The Secret” did provide a glimmer of hope that anything was indeed possible, I still struggled to fully adopt and integrate the concepts into my own life and career. I liked the idea that I could have anything I wanted, but for some reason I just couldn’t wrap my head around the concept. That was until I discovered, what I like to call, The Secret behind “The Secret”.

The Secret Behind ”The Secret” is almost brutally simple, and is summed up perfectly be Darren Hardy.

“You see, and experience, and get, what you look for.”

That’s really it. You find exactly what you look for.

What you focus on, you get or attract more of. Not because this thing wasn’t there before, simply because you weren’t looking for it.

It’s like when you’re thinking about buying a new car and suddenly you see that same car everywhere, make, model, maybe even color. Were there really dozens of the exact same car you were thinking about buying suddenly being manufactured and delivered to your city overnight?No of course not, what’s happened is that your mind is now set to recognize them.

You’ve put a thought or image into your mind, and now your brain being the wonderful computer it is goes out and starts to recognize it everywhere.

You’ve conditioned your mind to find what you’re looking for.

Focus On The Positive

This is why it’s so important to hold positive and empowering beliefs, because what you focus on you most certainly get more of.

You can choose to do this with anything in your life simply by focusing on it and consistently bringing it into your attention.

Once you understand this simple concept you can start to train your brain to find the answers you’re looking for even faster through techniques like visualization, goal setting, positive thinking, and practicing gratitude.

But it starts with the basics and the basics are simply watching what you focus your attention on.

The more important something is to you, the more focus you place on it, and the faster your brain goes out and tries to find it for you.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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