How To Quickly Create Effective Marketing Campaigns

...The 15-Minute a Day Marketing Plan

Author: Adam Erhart

When it comes to marketing, time and not knowing what to do next are two of the biggest things people struggle with most.

That's why I spent a week limiting myself to spending just 15 minutes a day working on marketing.

So I could teach you how to create a system to quickly and easily create marketing campaigns like this...


All of these videos, emails, and social posts were created in just 15-minutes a day over a 5 day period. Total time investment = 75 minutes.


...So you can grow your business without spending all day staring at a blank screen, or feeling overwhelmed wondering what to do next.

Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. -Parkinson's Law

And the best part is, this will work for you no matter what level you’re at right now, or what kind of business, market, or industry you’re in.

So let me show you how it’s done. And it all starts with this simple 5-part framework.

Step 1: Search

The very first thing you need to do if you want to create marketing quickly is to first make sure that what you’re creating is actually something that your market wants.

And this means doing a quick search on your business and identifying a few key topics, keywords, and questions that your audience wants to know.

Fortunately, search engines like Google and YouTube make this part pretty quick and easy.

First, head over to google and type in your business or industry.

Then, see what the autocomplete suggests.

This is a good indication of what other people are searching for right now.

After that, pick something that looks interesting, hit submit, and then scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and find Related Searches.

And again, you’re presented with another list of possible topics and titles.

Once that’s done, just head over to YouTube and repeat the process.

Starting with the search bar and entering your business or industry. Seeing what comes up.

Finding something relevant, but then rather than scrolling down to the Related Searches section like you would on Google, here you’re simply going to look through the video titles and see if any sound like something you could create content about.

And an important note here, I’m not just talking about video content. Because what you’re looking for are signals, clues, and proof for what topics and titles are working right now.

Once that’s done, write down your top 5 or so ideas and this parts pretty much done.

The beauty is that the whole Search process shouldn’t take more than about 5 minutes.

Step 2: Structure

To help my clients and students quickly create effective marketing content I came up with the “531 Structure” that’s both simple, and incredibly effective.

It essentially states that every piece of content you create, at least when you’re trying to do it quickly like we are here, should have  parts, 3 points, and 1 booster. 

Now for Step 2, Structure. This step shouldn’t take much more than 10 minutes because you’re not creating or filling out your marketing content yet, just outlining it and giving it some structure so you can fill it in later. So let me explain the 531 Structure now. 

The 5 parts consist of first, an introduction, next the 3 points you’re going to cover, and finally, a summary that wraps it all up with a call to action that tells the audience what to do next.


The introduction is pretty straight forward, so as the old saying goes, just tell them what you’re going to tell them. For an example of this you can pretty much just scroll back and re-watch the beginning of this video right here where this is exactly what I do to get us started.


The summary is also pretty straight forward in that you’re going to quickly recap what you’ve just said or why it’s important. The key thing here though is that you always want to include a CTA, also known as a call to action that tells the audience what they need to do next. It could be to click, call, read, buy, or anything really. But you need to provide some kind of continuation otherwise you kinda just leave them hanging and all of the value and goodwill you’ve just built will be lost.

So that leaves the 3 main points and the 1 booster to cover next.


The 3 main points that you cover are the main meat of the content, the body, the actual content itself. There’s a famous rule in marketing, and more specifically copywriting called “The Rule of Three” and it’s some pretty powerful stuff.

Long story short, the “Rule of Three” is everywhere and has been for a very long time. Because it works. 

Just think of the Three Little Pigs, the Three Blind Mice, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the Three Musketeers, the Three Wise Men, and the Three Stooges not to mention popular phrases like blood sweat and tears, stop drop and roll, location location location, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Rule of Three also shows up time and time again in lists, articles, and is used heavily in comedy with the structure of set-up, anticipation, and punchline.

OK, let’s talk about the booster. 


When creating content quickly you’re not going to want to spend a ton of time prettying it up. Your goal here isn’t to create the next Great American Novel or Hollywood Blockbuster. You just want to create marketing that provides value, gets attention, and helps you grow your business.

And this is where beefing it up just a little goes a long way. So here, you want to go quickly look back through your content and find an area that you could add a story, a quote, a statistic, or a study. Basically, something to enhance the marketing experience.

This helps give your marketing material a little more weight, context, and interest. If you can find a relevant image or graphic that’s a great place to start as it enhances your message due to something called the “Picture Superiority Effect” which refers to the phenomenon in which pictures and images are more likely to be remembered than are are just plain boring old words, just like this image from Cool Infographics shows.

OK, so now that you’ve got your outline, it’s time to fill it out. Which leads you to Step 3: Scribe. Or transcribe. Let me explain.

Step 3: Scribe (or Transcribe)

At this stage you have an idea and an outline, so now it’s time to create some content, and do it quickly. The key here is to find your content creation style of choice. And you have 3 options to choose from.

Option 1: Writing

First, if you’re ok at writing, or typing I guess, then feel free to hammer away at the keyboard until you’ve got some words on the page. From there you can post it as is, narrate it to create audio content, or record it on video for use across pretty much any social media network out there.

Option 2: Talking

But if writing isn’t your thing, I bet you can talk, especially about your business or industry. So grab a voice recorder, your phone or computer will work just fine, and then start talking. 

Most people talk at a rate of around 100 to 130 words per minute while the average typing speed is only around 40 words per minute so this might just be a faster approach for you. 

Plus, everyone’s heard of “writers block”, but nobody’s ever heard of “talkers block”, which is the reason that sometimes just talking is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get marketing content out there. 

Once you have your audio recording you can post it as audio content, transcribe it into text using any number of free or paid online transcription services and you now have both audio and text content.

Option 3: Video

Of course, the content style that will give you the most freedom, flexibility, and bang for your marketing buck is video content. Because not only can you post the video, you can also strip away the audio and now you have audio content. And you can transcribe that audio and you now have text content as well.

This is the approach that I take, but you do you. I’d much rather see you creating some kind of content than getting stuck and not taking action so find what works best for you, then make it happen. 

Now this step where you actually create the bulk of your marketing content is admittedly is the biggest. And if my math adds up correct so far we spent 5 minutes on Step 1, and 15 minutes on Step 2, so for this part, Step 3, we’re going to use all 15 minutes and borrow the 10 minutes we saved from Step 1. So, so far, we’re still on track. 

So let’s move on to Step 4: Syndicate

Step 4: Syndicate

One of the biggest sins in marketing is staying silent. Unheard. Ignored. Or forgotten. After all, having the best business, product, or service in the world doesn’t mean a thing if nobody knows about you. 

This is why being top of mind to your audience really does equal more sales and more growth. And the more often you can appear in front of them, the better. 

Of course, we’re working with limited time here, so we need to be smart. And that means syndicating, which is basically just taking your content, and publishing it to a number of different places either at the same time, or carved up and spread out throughout the week. 

When I ran this little experiment of working on marketing for just 15 minutes a day, syndicating my content is how I was able to share the content across a number of different platforms. And the strategy I developed for this I call Pillar. Post. Piece. 

So let me break that down for you now.


First, I took my main content, my pillar content. This was a video I recorded for YouTube. It wasn’t fancy. It wasn’t pretty. And I edited it using an automatic editing plugin called Recut to help me remove all the silences in between takes and put it all together into something watchable. But I didn’t do anything else to it. 


Then, I took the video and transcribed it into text using, it’s a paid service but there are other free alternatives out there as well. I then shared this text with my email list which became one of my posts.

I also took short 30 second clips from the video and uploaded them into another software I use called Clipscribe, which helped me create more posts for social media. And don’t worry I’ll put links to all of the software I used in the descriptions below this video.


Then, I created my Piece content. I took more clips from the video, and uploaded them as stories on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, and took a few of the more valuable parts and turned them into Tweets as well. 

And that’s it. 1 piece of content, spliced and diced and syndicated into a bunch of different pieces of marketing that could be spread out and used throughout the week. 

Step 4 took about 20 minutes which means I ate into the next Steps time by 5 minutes. So we’re going to have to make sure to keep this next step as short and efficient as possible if I want to stick to my promise of marketing for just 15 minutes a day. So let’s dive into it now.

Step 5: Share

Step 5 is to share. And is really just here to make sure that all your hard works pays off. Fortunately, we can probably get this all done in 10 minutes or less. 

You see when it comes to creating marketing of any kind there are 3 key elements.

You need to Produce, and to actually create something, because well, it’s kinda hard to market your business without any marketing. You already got that part covered.

Then you need to Publish, which means pushing your marketing out to the world and making it available to other people. This sounds obvious but you probably won’t be surprised to hear that while a lot of people make content, very few actually ever hit that publish button and send it out to the world. This part should be done too in Step 4 when you syndicate it. 

And then lastly we have Promote. Which is the sharing part, and making sure that it gets in front of the people that actually need to see it. 

And that’s why the next thing you’re going to want to do is check out the video I have linked up right here on Digital Marketing which will give you some of my best marketing tips and tricks, so make sure to check it out now: Digital Marketing 101 (A Beginner’s Guide To Marketing)