Confessions From The Marketing Agency: A Look At The Last 5 Years Of Being An Authority Creating Marketer

[Note #1: So I’m thinking about giving away a free product for you . . . IF you’re potentially interested in being perceived as an “Expert”, “Authority”, or “Go-To Leader” in your market. It’s going to take some significant time to put together. But before I go crazy making this thing, I want to make sure you actually want it (so I don’t feel like an idiot). More details near the bottom of the article.]

[Note #2: In case you’re wondering, this post is a FOLLOW UP TO THIS POST which received over 50 emails back from the US to Brazil to Turkey to New Zealand! I try my best to respond to as many comments and emails as possible, BTW].

The Story of How I Became An “Authority Creating Marketer”

As many of you know from following my blog for the past few years, I didn’t always have a thriving marketing consulting practice.

The early years were actually quite a bit of a challenge (a MASSIVE understatement).

I gave up a prestigious career flying business jets around the world (and the salary that goes along with that type of job) to set out and try to make it on my own as a full time marketing consultant.

And wow, did that ever take some serious adjustment.

I remember the early days well…

I was working around the clock trying to get my consulting practice to take off, had gone back to school to brush up on marketing (I had first graduated from college almost 10 years before, and things in marketing change FAST), as well as was working part time at a running shoe store to hone my sales skills (truthfully, it was mostly for the cash as the consulting business wasn’t generating enough to live on).

My wife and I were also living in a 400 square foot in-law suite off the garage at my father-in-laws house, complete with our 100 pound big, goofy, lovable, yellow lab named Jake.

Needless to say, things were not awesome…. Yet.

But I digress…

How This Whole “Authority Marketing” Thing Started

I remember the EXACT moment that things finally clicked for me and life seemed to magically turn around, almost overnight.

Looking back it seems so obvious! But I guess that’s why they say hindsight is 20/20.

No more 20 hour days and sleepless nights wondering if things were going to work out.

No more working for minimum wage, and at times, far less than minimum wage.

And no more living with the constant fear of failure and being one step away from giving up on my dreams and going back to the “corporate” world.

I was smart enough, intuitive enough and experienced enough. I was good enough.

The Moment When It All Began

The moment it all began occurred in the early hours of the morning when my wife was still asleep, and I was up (way too early) working furiously away on my computer trying to “connect the dots” and learn everything I could to be better positioned to eventually “make it”.

At the time I was reading 15-20 different blogs a day and would devour anything related to the topic of marketing, social media, business, success, or personal development.

If there was a pearl of wisdom out there that would help me or my clients, I wanted to know about it!

I Read More During That Time Than Any Other Point In My Entire Life (Maybe Even Combined) . . . Really!

Well it was during this one particular early morning marathon reading session that I came across an article by world famous marketing guru, Seth Godin, titled “Reject the tyranny of being picked: Pick yourself”

And just like that, everything clicked.

Almost like one of those “life flashing before your eyes” moments you hear about or see on TV, I had this rush of thoughts, images, ideas, and visions that would literally turn my life around and set me on an incredible path.

All of a sudden I was hit with and saw all of the results I had helped achieve for my clients, all of the experiences I’d had, both directly, and indirectly related to marketing, and all of the knowledge and information that I knew.

I wasn’t just a guy who was doing marketing, I was a genuine marketing expert!

That was my moment . . . sitting there staring at my computer screen at 5am, with a sleeping dog at my side, my wife still asleep only 10 feet away from me, in a 400 square foot in law suite off my father-in-laws garage, that everything become crystal clear.

I set off that day with a new directive.

And went against everything I was made to believe by some other so-called experts

Those so-called experts who had everything to gain by overcomplicating things and keeping themselves on a pedestal.

When the excitement wore off I got to work.

I admit I started slow when applying my new Authority Marketing principles.

I wanted to make darn sure I had this formula right before announcing it to the world and attaching my name to it.

I also wanted to make sure it worked as well as I thought it would, which is where the human guinea pigs come in.

My first guinea pig was my Dad (I’m sure he won’t mind being called a guinea pig 🙂 Sorry Dad!)

Being the brave and inspiring father he was I got to work and I started applying my Authority Marketing principles on him.

The results?

Amazing! Within a couple months we’d achieved his goal, to be seen as an expert on aviation and to get to cruise the world… for free! Speaking on cruise ships.

Within the next few months he was booked and spoke on cruises through Europe, Hawaii, and Tahiti (he has some crazy photos of sharks in Bora Bora)

OK this was cool, I was really on to something.

So I moved on to guinea pig number two, my good buddy.

His goal was to be seen as an authority on finance to build his new wealth management business.

The results?

Again, amazing! More and more clients started coming in and he hasn’t slowed down yet!

After that it was on to the next one, then the next, and time after time after time the results were nothing but positive.

Not only did this Authority Marketing thing work, it worked amazing!

It was at this point that it felt like someone was pouring gas on the fire, and the best part was, I hadn’t even started applying these principles on my own business yet.

Soon the guinea pigs were no longer guinea pigs, as I had a proven, predictable, and scalable system to create perceived authority, or expert positioning in the marketplace for my clients.

And it worked across industries…

From coaching to consulting, speaking to training, roofing to plumbing, construction to finance, travel and tourism to accounting, and of course marketing and creative agencies, and on and on.

After much encouragement from family I officially added this specialty to my marketing consulting, but only to a very select few.

At that time there wasn’t a lot of information on “Authority Marketing”…

What I soon learned was that there were a lot of people out there who made a lot of money by keeping people like me and my clients in the dark about what it really takes to become an Authority.

It’s hard to blame them though, the fewer perceived experts out there, the easier it is for them to bask in the glory of their title as the go-to person or business in their industry.

This is scarcity thinking though, and that’s just not how I roll!

The reality is there is more than enough business, clients, customers, money, and market share for all!

We live in a huge world, and becoming an authority in your market helps everyone.

It helps the you (the Authority) by providing more opportunities, more money, more peace of mind, and more enjoyment from your work.

It helps your client or customer by providing a better quality experience, and actually ends up delivering them superior results.

And it helps other authorities in your industry through crediting, collaborating, and referring.

A rising tide really does lift all boats!

My passion (and flat­out obsession at times) for the topic and for helping others (marketing is about providing value after all) and the rewards of seeing my clients success is what kept me going.

In The End, And After Some Work… All My Passion and Drive Has Worked… And in a BIG Way.

Back when I began doing all of this (all alone at my tiny desk, studying furiously in a 400 square foot in-law suite at 5AM in the morning) I never would have dreamed that…

  • I would have a thriving digital marketing agency with clients all over the world (including Vancouver, Toronto, Washington, New York, Texas, Illinois, Switzerland, and the UK)
  • That my work would be acknowledged and read by some of today’s leading business minds
  • That I would be able to consistently raise my rates (4 times in the last 2 years alone) while simultaneously lowering my hours
  • Or that I would have my work cited by CNN, ABC, NBC, FOX, and The Boston Globe
  • Or be offered more work and contracts than I could ever have time for

But In Addition To Being Humbled By The Impact I’ve had, I’ve Also Been Blessed to Have A Very Gratifying Lifestyle (My Friends Call It Amazing… I Just Enjoy Having Flexibility).

For example, I get to work FROM HOME on the phone with entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, and businesses all over the world, and know that I’m making real and meaningful connections with people (and that those connections and my advice can create dramatic changes for the better).

I never would have dreamed that I’d get to make my own schedule (so I can be more available for my family).

So Here’s What I’m Coming To… Here’s What’s Being… Demanded Of Me… And Here’s What I Feel… Compelled To Do…

Here’s the deal.

Being perceived as an Authority, Expert, Guru, or “Go-To” Business in your market is the fastest, easiest, and most efficient way to build a business and a life that you love.

There will ALWAYS be demand for the leaders in their market. It’s the fastest way to fulfillment, freedom, and security.

And with each passing day, I’m finding over and over again that the need to help people position themselves as Authorities in their markets is so much bigger than I could ever fill in a thousand life times working one-on-one.

Consider These Benefits

  • Authorities command higher fees (that people happily pay)
  • Authorities have more business opportunities (other authorities like doing business with other successful people)
  • Authorities are given more respect (and are able to say “no” to rude clients or customers)
  • Authorities are trusted (and able to do better work without being micromanaged by bosses, clients, partners, or customers)

So I feel compelled to step up to the plate and pull back the curtain on what has been made, for way too long, an overly complicated subject. As one person emailed me after the last blog post wrote “it would be a disservice to NOT do this.”

The time has come for a formal Authority Marketing training program (that puts the power of Authority Marketing into the hands of those who want to build a better business).

It’s time for the Authority Marketing field to become demystified…

…and I’m on a mission to empower entrepreneurs and give them choices in how they position themselves in their industry.

But the huge task of reaching the millions that need to be reached CAN NOT be done alone.

There are too many entrepreneurs, business owners, coaches, consultants and freelancers all over the world.

And there are too many other “experts” who continue to profit by keeping these secrets guarded and in the hands of a select few.

And when some light is shed on the subject of Authority Marketing, it’s often rooted in theory by academics and not by down-in-the-trenches proven (over and over again) techniques that actually work.

I’m Thinking About Making A Free Resource Kit For You, IF You’re Interested In Becoming An Authority In Your Market

I’ve been really humbled by the buzz surrounding my last blog post. There has been A LOT of interest in the Authority Marketing Training Program that I’m POTENTIALLY developing.

But to test the waters… I’m thinking about making a value packed, 100% free “Authority Marketing Resource Kit” for you.

IF you’re serious about becoming an Authority in your market.

Here is what the free “Authority Marketing Resource Kit” will include:

  • A recorded interview of my story with how I got started, how I got my first clients, developed my business model and share some of my marketing secrets.
  • A set of professional handouts that you can use to start creating the only 3 pieces of content you need to be perceived as an Authority. These handouts will walk you through exactly what to create, and how to create it, including examples from my private collection of some of my very best Authority Making content.
  • A list of some of my resources that you can use and leverage to rapidly expand your business, reach, and perceived value in your market, no matter what market you’re in.

But Here’s The Catch

Because I’m a helpless perfectionist and will inevitably blog this thing way out of proportion and make it into a much bigger package than it needs to be (or you even want)…

…I want to get a list of everyone who is interested in becoming the go-to leader in their market and having this free “Authority Marketing Resource Kit.”

So Here’s What I Want You To Do

I’m making a list of everyone potentially interested in getting my free resource kit AND getting in at the start of all this.

Anyway, if you’re interested, then: (1) enter your email address below, and if I end up making it I’ll send it to you at the email address you list below (leaving a comment with any suggestions on what you’d like get from the kit would also help).

If enough people get on this “interest list” (I’m thinking 500 or more) then I’ll make this free thing and send it to EVERYONE on the interest list.

If no one wants the free “Authority Marketing Resource Kit” then no worries.

Take care and we’ll talk again soon,

Adam Erhart

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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