How To Get More Clients

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Why do some businesses seem to have a never ending supply of customers and clients while others struggle to find their next lead?

Why are some people able to command premium pricing while others struggle just to get by?

And can you imagine just how much better, easier, and more profitable your business would be if you could generate clients and customers on demand?

While it may sound too good to be true, millions of people are doing this every single day, and you can too.

So in this post (or video if you prefer watching to reading) I’m going to cover a simple 7 step process so you can start generating more clients and more customers.

Clients and Customers – The Most Important Part Of Business

Clients and customers are the lifeblood of business.

And the volume of new customers and clients coming into the business means the difference between surviving and thriving.

So here is a simple 7 step plan that you can use in your business to immediately start generating more clients and more customers.

Want a shortcut to more customers and clients? Click here to download your free copy of “The Business Owners Guide To Facebook Advertising”

Step 1: Have a plan

If you want a steady and consistent stream of new leads coming into your business you’re going to need to have a plan.

Sure there are some tactics and techniques you can use to immediately start bringing in new leads, but for long term and sustainable growth, nothing beats having a well thought out plan.

This way you can track what’s working and what’s not, so you can spend more time and money on the winners, and cut the losers.

When you’re just getting started it doesn’t need to be any more complicated than simply keeping track of what you’ve tried, and what the results were.

Step 2: Define your ideal client or customer

Step 2 is accurately defining your ideal customer.

The more accurate you’re able to define them, the better you’ll be able to create meaningful marketing messages that resonate with them.

The best way to define your ideal customer is to first take a look at who your business is already serving, and then pick the top 10-20% of them. This top 10-20% is your ideal target market. From there, see if you can identify any patterns among them like their:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Profession
  • Interests

Or any other similarities that you can use to seek out more people just like them.

Once you have this written down, it’s time to move to the next step.

Step 3: Locate them (online and offline)

Now that you’ve defined your ideal target market, it’s time to start thinking about where you’re going to be able to find them, both online and offline.

Not in a creepy stalker way, but in a way that allows you to better deliver your message to them.

For example, offline it could be local clubs, recreation facilities, restaurants or coffee shops, or retail stores. Online, it could be a specific social media network like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, or on a website or forum that they’re interested in.

Step 4: Be different (in a good way)

Now that you’ve identified your ideal customer or client, and found where they hang out, it’s time to work on getting your message heard above the noise, and this is where the marketing term “differentiation” comes into play.

Here is where you want to find what makes your business unique in the marketplace and then expand on it.

An important point here is that you want to pick something that your customers or clients actually care about.

Being different just for the sake of being different can work, but it’s a whole lot more challenging. So try to find something different about you that your customers or clients actually care about.

Step 5: Provide value upfront

A great way to alleviate any fears or uncertainty your potential clients may have is to constantly be working on providing value up front.

If you want a steady and consistent supply of new leads, you need to be providing a steady and consistent supply of value.

This could be done through your website or blog, social media, white papers, articles, or even free initial consultations.

How you provide value is completely up to you, so the best plan is to find a way that you’ll enjoy and be consistent in.

Step 6: Teach others

Step 6 builds off our last point perfectly, as the next step to start generating more clients and customers is to teach.

The reason that teaching works so well is that #1, it’s human nature to respect people that each us things.

And #2, we appreciate that someone took some time out of their day to show us something that could help…

And #3, teaching helps prove that you really do know what you’re talking about.

Once you’ve decided to incorporate an element of teaching into your marketing the opportunities to do so are nearly limitless.

From in person seminars, to online webinars, on a blog, in a video, in a social media post, in an email, or one-on-one, just to name a few.

Step 7: Become an “Authority”

The ultimate inbound marketing strategy is Authority Marketing.

When you’re perceived as an authority, expert, or guru in your market or industry, life and business get a whole lot easier.

Like, a lot easier.

Seriously, like really really easy.

Being an authority means that new business, clients and customers actively seek you out, and your days of struggling for new business become a thing of the past.

Now I get it that the advice to go out there and suddenly “become” an expert sounds like a big and crazy suggestion, but the truth is that this type of marketing and positioning is happening every single day.

It’s working for others, and it can work just as well for you too.

Want a shortcut to more customers and clients? Click here to download your free copy of “The Business Owners Guide To Facebook Advertising”

Any Other Ideas?

So now I turn it over to you…

  1. Which strategy do you think would be best for you to start attracting more clients and customers?
  2. Are there any other strategies you’ve heard about or had success with?

Leave your thoughts in the comments section below now.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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