Earning a place at the top of the search results can be an absolute game-changer for your business.

Especially because 75% of users never scroll past the first page.

Now, it’s no cakewalk, but getting a high first page ranking isn’t as complicated as it’s made out to be.

And with a bit of strategy, the right information, and a solid game plan, you too can have the search engines carrying your content to the winner’s circle and to that coveted first page spot.

So today we’re talking content and SEO.

Behind those high ranking websites, you can almost always find a solid amount of quality content that helped to get it there.

Really, to see any results from your content marketing or SEO efforts at all, the two must work strategically and harmoniously, like Peanut butter and jelly, Batman and Robin, or Statler and Waldorf.

Forging SEO with content has become an art and a strategy all its own.

And it’s one of the most effective ways to catapult your business to the top of the search engine results.

So here are some tips to optimize your content for ranking success:

SEO is all about content marketing

High quality content optimized with the right keywords in the right places will set you up for search engine success.

See, valuable information begs to be shared, and earning links to your content proves your credibility and trustworthiness to the search engines.

So, by consistently creating shareable content relevant to your audience and integrating SEO principles, you’re well on your way to upping your online visibility.

Optimize for people first! Search engines second

Even in the midst of constant algorithm shuffles, user experience hasn’t lost its place on the Google pedestal.

Optimizing for user experience includes everything from having an easy-to-navigate website, to readable, unique, and conversational content.

And with Comscore reporting that 69% of media is consumed on a mobile device, having a mobile friendly website is non-negotiable.

You’ll find that when you make the user experience the primary focus of your overall strategy, SEO occurs naturally and without too much added effort.

Don’t neglect SEO principles

Search engine crawlers are insanely efficient at analyzing content for details like keywords and readability.

They scan the text of certain on-page SEO elements like headings, URL structure, and internal and external links to determine what search terms best align with your website.

This is why formatting your content with proper keyword type, number, and placement can’t be overlooked.

A checklist of SEO best practices and principles remains a staple of ranking success.

SEO isn’t just limited to blogs

There’s more to content than just blogs and there’s more to search engines than just Google or Bing.

And audio and video content can just as easily be found through some of the different search engines out there.

In fact, many of the platforms you likely use on a daily or weekly basis like iTunes or YouTube are actually search engines themselves.

And when done correctly, optimizing your podcast titles and video descriptions with keywords and relevant search terms can boost your content’s search ranking and make you more visible to your target audience on a variety of different platforms.

Use a 2-pronged approach

To supercharge the effectiveness of your SEO campaign, you want to approach content marketing from two angles.

#1. Is Creating content for other sites.

And the bigger, more popular, and more authority they have the better.

And #2. is Creating content for your own site, which takes a bit more time to rank for, but offers significantly more control.

Either way, you’ll want to ensure all the SEO friendly elements are in place to increase organic traffic through search engines and directly to your content.

To wrap it all up, the best way to rise to the top is by creating good content, putting it on your website and building links to it.

And remember, the quickest way to a search engines heart is through its users, so always remember to put the user first, and the search engine second.

If you implement these tactics you’ll start benefitting from the business boost that only high search engine rankings can provide.

Also, if you want to discover a way to quickly and easily deploy a high converting and profitable content marketing strategy in your business then I highly encourage you to download your free copy of the Fast Content Formula by visiting adamsblog.staging.wpengine.com/fast

Comscore source
Mobile marketing statistics
Hubspot study

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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