How to Create Great Content for YouTube

Creating content on YouTube is easy.

Just fire up the camera, hit record, and you’re off to the races.

But if you’ve ever tried this “just wing it” strategy, then you know that success isn’t as easy as just creating content, putting it up there, and hoping for the best.


You need to create great content.

Which is why today we’re talking all about creating great content for YouTube.

Creating new content consistently is important for success on YouTube.

But, with over 300 hours of new video content being uploaded every single minute, creating content isn’t enough.

You need to create the kinda content that hooks people, draws ’em in, makes them laugh, cry, and keeps them coming back for more.

With all that said, here are 5 of my best tips for how to create great content that really resonates on YouTube


Tip #1 – Get Inspired

The very first step when it comes to creating great content for YouTube, is to take a look at what others in your industry are doing.

This means taking a look at what the top influencers and the top channels on YouTube are doing, and then using that for inspiration.

Now, there’s a very important point I need to make here:

You want to use this for inspiration and you do not want to copy.

For starters, you’re a unique person with a unique view, and a unique personality.

Therefore, what they’re doing may not translate and may not work as well for you.

So, copying isn’t an effective strategy.

Not to mention, it’s kinda slimy and it’s kinda sleazy, and it’s kinda unoriginal when you go and just rip something off directly.

So, look at other channels, take inspiration from that, and then apply it and make it yours.

Next, take a look at what other channels in other industries are doing; not just your specific industry.

This is a great way to get some really creative ideas by looking at what others outside of your industry are doing.

Which, again, is going to provide some fresh insight, and some fresh new ideas that you can apply to your channel.

When you’re taking a look at other channels (whether in your industry or from other industries)…

Ask yourself questions, like:

“Are they using BeeRoll?”

“Are the videos professionally produced, or are they being shot with a handheld iPhone?”

“Are they using titles, or graphics, or not?”

“What do I like best about this channel, and what do I really dislike?”

And, most importantly:

“What can I take and apply to my own channel that’s going to allow me to come off as authentic, genuine, and true to myself?”

As someone who loves creating these videos, I’m always looking for inspiration.

Both in my industry, and from other industries.

Tip #2 – Get Invested

Greatness in every form, whether we’re talking about greatness in sports, business, school, life, or in your content on YouTube…

All of it is going to require some form of investment.

Whether we’re talking about time or money.

Now, the beauty of this investment is that you get to decide whether you want to invest more time or more money into great content.

Or, of course, you could do both (but you don’t necessarily have to).

The key here is to remember the why behind what you’re doing.

If you’re creating this content just to get rich quick, it’s probably not gonna be sustainable.

And it’s certainly not going to be enjoyable.

But if you actually believe in your message, and you believe in the content that you’re putting out there, it makes the investment a little more palatable.

Lastly, when it comes to investment, you need to decide when ‘good enough’ is really good enough.

After all, perfection is pretty much unattainable.

So there’s gonna come a point where you’re gonna get to diminishing returns.

At this point, an extra dollar, or a hundred, or a even thousand dollars isn’t gonna really provide that much better quality content.

So, decide what ‘good enough’ is for now, and then of course, always seek to improve and to get better over time.

Tip #3 – Prioritize Audio Over Video

I remember when I first heard this, I almost couldn’t believe it.

That is, until I watched a few videos with terrible audio quality.

Audio quality is significantly more important than video quality.

This is actually really good news.

What it means, is that the camera you’ve got in your phone is likely good enough to get started with.

And the only thing you probably need to invest in is a decent microphone.

Fortunately, you can get a Lavalier mic for as little as about $100, and it’s gonna produce some really premium quality sound.

And of course, over time you can choose to invest in a better, more professional mic if you choose.

Just remember, you do need to have really clear and crisp audio.

Otherwise, you’re gonna get drop off, your videos will be painful to watch, and your content will suffer.

Tip #4 – Have a Plan

When it comes to creating great content for YouTube, you can choose to either go buy a script, or not buy a script.

Regardless, you’re probably gonna wanna have some form of notes or some kind of structure to the content you’re putting out there.

You see, by doing a little bit of planning ahead of time and having some kind of strategic structure to your content…

You’re gonna make sure that you’ve got that beginning, the middle, and the end.

And you’re gonna make sure that you stay on point and talk about what you’re meaning to talk about.

Rather than zigging and zagging all over the place and losing people in the process.

Another option that you have is using a teleprompter, which is gonna help guide you exactly through the script, pretty much verbatim.

Now, if and when you decide to use a teleprompter, there are some pros and cons with it, just like everything else.

For starters, using a teleprompter actually takes a decent amount of skill, so it may not be the easier option.

Also, unless you’re really good at it, it can come off as kinda canned, kinda rehearsed, and kinda fake.

So, it may not be the best vibe for YouTube.

But, if you’re half-decent with it, you know what you want to say, you wanna make sure you hit every point…might be worth looking into.

Anyway, have a plan, be strategic, and make sure your content is delivering on the promise that you made.


Tip #5 – Know Your Market

Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, great content is in…

The eye of the viewer?

The ear of the viewer?

The eyes and the ears of the viewer.

So you want to make sure you’re creating content that your market actually wants and actually would use.

To do this, take a look at what videos are popular in your market.

Look what people are searching for.

And look which videos get the most engagement.

And remember, YouTube is a social platform.

So don’t be afraid to engage your audience, and ask questions, rather than just giving a monologue.

Let’s recap.

To create great content for YouTube, you wanna get inspired by checking out what others are doing in your market, and also outside of your market.

Next, you need to get invested by either committing time, money, or both to your videos.

After that, remember that audio quality is more important than video quality.

You need to have a plan to make sure to keep your viewers engaged.

Finally, and probably most importantly, you need to know your market so you can know exactly what type of content they want to see.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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