How to Get More Traffic (5 Audio Marketing Channels)

After years of consulting with some of the world’s top entrepreneurs and businesses, I can tell you one thing for certain–they all pretty much want the same thing:

More traffic.

And who wouldn’t, right?

I mean more traffic tends to mean more clicks, more calls, more sales and more revenue for your business.

Which is why in today’s post we’re talking about 5 incredibly underrated and highly effective audio marketing channels so you can drive more traffic to your business.

As a side bonus, these are channels your competitors are probably not using yet, leaving the door wide open for you.

One of the first things that we need to talk about when it comes to traffic is that you want to avoid the busy roads.

Or, the “traffic jams” as they say.

This doesn’t mean you can’t use a more popular traffic platform like Facebook or Facebook ads, after all, this is a super effective platform.

But, if you’re looking for an initial boost quickly and very effectively, you may want to consider taking some of the side roads or the back roads your competitors probably aren’t as active on, leaving the door wide open for you

Giving you access to an untapped audience, and a first-mover advantage, if and when these platforms really take off in the future.

What this means is there’s an incredible opportunity for those that get in early and really stake their flag in the ground and claim this as their territory.

When you do that, it’s gonna give you more traffic, a lot quicker and a lot more effectively, and probably a lot cheaper than using the platforms available that are already pretty saturated.

Now, they may not all work great for your business, but that’s okay cause you don’t need all five to work great.

You probably only need to hit it out of the park with one or maybe two.

So let’s run through them now and you can pick and choose which one you think would be best for your business.

And then it’s probably worth giving it a test, because it will be much cheaper and more cost effective than those saturated channels like Facebook or YouTube or Google AdWords.

Traffic Channel number 1 is Spotify Ads

At the time of this blog post, Spotify is just starting to roll out it’s advertising platform to a few beta users.

And, as an early access member, I can tell you it’s a pretty cool platform to get to play around with.

The best way to think about Spotify ads is probably as an alternative to more traditional radio ads.

In this sense, my recommendation with Spotify ads is it’s probably going to be most effective if you either have a massive budget and you’re going for brand awareness…

Or, if you’re a smaller locally-contained business focusing on a smaller geographic area and you want to start with a smaller budget.

You see, unlike Facebook ads, where you can start with about $5 a day, Spotify ads require you to put in about $250 to start.

It’s not a huge amount, but it’s no small amount either, especially if you’re just testing the waters.

Now one of the cool features of Spotify ads is, not only does it give you the traditional targeting options like demographic and geographic details…

But it also gives you some pretty interesting targeting options in relation to the music genre they like.

This means that you can target people based on the music genre that they like, whether it’s rock, heavy metal, country, pop, or what ever.

This may or may not be useful to you, but if you happen to know what kind of music your target market likes to listen to, it could be a helpful option.

Traffic Channel 2: Anchor

Anchor is a free app you can get on your phone that pretty much allows you to create a free podcast from start to finish.

All you need to do is sign up, hit record, and then hit publish, and your podcast goes live to the world on the Anchor app.

The benefits of this speak for themselves in that it’s incredibly easy to use, it’s very fast, and it’s a social network, meaning you’re going to be able to collaborate and interact and engage with other Anchor members and listeners.

If you’ve been hesitant to start a podcast and you’ve been slow to enter because of the barriers of it, Anchor may be a really great point to get into the waters (pardon the pun.)

Now there are some down sides of Anchor.

Namely that it lacks the polish and professionalism of a more highly produced podcast…

Also, you don’t get the same kind of distribution because your podcast is gonna be hosted right there on the Anchor platform.

But, if you’re looking for another way to leverage your content, your thoughts, and your ideas, well, Anchor is a great fast, free and easy way to do it.

Traffic Channel 3: Audible

If you’ve ever listened to an audiobook, then you know that they’re a fantastic way to consume information really quickly.

This is why, if you’ve got a lot of content, or a lot to say, an audiobook may be a really good and really effective way to drive more traffic to your business.

Now, if you already have a book published, that’s fantastic

All you need to do is record an audio version of it, and you’re pretty much good to go.

But if you don’t already have a book published, that’s fine too.

After all, you can create a new one compiled of previous blog posts, or made up from a speech or presentation that you’ve given…

All you really need is the audio component of that.

Obviously creating a book is no easy task, so this may not be something that you want to pursue first, but it’s definitely something worth considering.

Because, again, getting access to that listener to hours on end with your message is an incredibly powerful traffic source.

The key to driving traffic from an audible book is making sure to include a number of calls-to-action throughout the book…

Connecting people to relevant and valuable resources that they can get more information on.

Otherwise, they’re pretty much just going to stay in Audible and listen to the book.

And it’s going to be good for your brand and business, but you’re not going to drive the traffic that you would by not adding those lead magnets or opt-ins or bribes or somewhere to go to get more information.

Traffic Channel 4: Alexa

The beauty of Alexa is that Alexa Skills are growing in popularity.

And voice search is becoming more and more prevalent across all sorts of different markets.

Now there are a couple different players in this voice search game, and in the smart home game.

Including obviously the Amazon Echo (which has Alexa), Google Home, and Apple Home Pod.

Now, it’s still pretty early in the game, so we can’t declare a winner just yet, but those that go in and get involved with one of them will have first-mover advantage when a winner is decided.

(If a winner is ever decided.)

Now, when it comes to having an Alexa Skill design for your business, there are obviously some barriers for entry.

Specifically getting one designed is gonna require a developer and some coding to get it all set up.

But I’d like the argue that barriers to entry and obstacles are actually kind of a good thing, because they separate the amateurs from the pros.

And those who are really serious about leveraging this technology?

Well, it gives them an advantage.

The beauty of having an Alexa Skill design set up for your business is it’s gonna give you a main line directly from your business into your customer’s home or office.

When it comes to traffic, this is literally like building a freeway directly into their front door by allowing you to get your message right into their homes and becoming a part of their every day lives.

You can use this information to deliver highlights, or updates, tips or tricks…Any useful content that will help to benefit them.

Of course you can keep the focus on delivering as much valuable information as possible (and that’s fantastic)..

But you could also leverage this by giving them other areas to get more information and directing them to different social media channels, website, or other offers you have, thereby giving you an amazing traffic channel.

Traffic Channel 5: Podcast

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that podcasting is booming in popularity.

Both in creation and in consumption.

After all, most of us have a smartphone, and most of these smartphones come equipped with a podcasting app built directly into them.

Which again, gives you direct access right to your customer’s ears.

In regards to driving traffic, podcasting is going to work very similarly to an audiobook.

Which means you wanna make sure to include a number of relevant calls to action, giving people places they can get more information or more free resources from your business.

Now, if you’re wondering if you should start a podcast, well I created a post right here which highlights everything you need to know about why you may want to start a podcast, so make sure to check it out.

So there you have it:

  • Spotify Ads
  • Anchor
  • Audible
  • Alexa
  • Podcasts

All amazing audio marketing tools that can really help to drive more traffic and more brand awareness to your business.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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