Facebook Video Ads  | 4-part framework to write, script, and create

If you’ve been wanting to run Facebook Video Ads but just can’t figure out that single most important part, the video, then this article can help.

Because in this article we’re going to dive into my proven 4-part video ad framework that will tell you exactly what to say, how to say it, and I’ll even show you where to download a plug and play video script to make creating high converting video ads even easier. 

There’s no doubt that adding more video to your marketing in the form of Facebook Video Ads is a pretty good idea.

After all, year after year after year the percentage of the population actively consuming as much video as they can get their hands on continues to rise.

And with platforms like Facebook prioritizing video and offering a few nifty little features, video ads are quickly becoming one of the more powerful advertising options available online.

But unlike using a text and image ad, video presents a very unique set of challenges. Specifically, CREATIVE EDIT: the video part.

On one side of the spectrum you have the “just wing it crowd” but rarely do you just want to jump in front of a camera and start to ramble stream of consciousness style with whatever pops into your mind. It may make for an interesting video but the odds of it converting into leads, customers, and sales, is pretty much slim to none.

On the flip side you have the strategic approach which is planning, writing, and creating the perfect script for your Facebook Video Ad. But the odds are good that up until now this process has seemed overwhelming at best, and impossible at worst. After all, where do you even start? How are you supposed to know what to say? And in what order?

It can seem pretty complicated at first, but it doesn’t need to.

So lets change that now.

Also, make sure to stick around until the end of this video because I’m going to show you where you can get a plug and play video ad template that will make creating high converting video ads easier than you ever thought possible. Alright, let’s dive in.

Part 1: The Hook

Part 1 of any successful video ad is always The Hook. This can sometimes be referred to as the attention capture or call out phase, but whatever you want to call it the objective is always the same…

To get someone’s attention and get them to pay attention. But here’s the thing. You don’t want just anyone’s attention. You want only your ideal target markets attention, and the best way to do this is simple, but effective, and that is to call them out with a question.

You see this does two very interesting things. First off, when they hear their name, industry, position, or something they’re interested in being said out loud their brain starts to pay attention automatically.

Next… when you phrase your hook in the form of a question their brain will automatically want to try to answer it making your ad even more engaging and making them even more likely to keep watching. It’s not magic, it’s just science.

Also, you want to make sure to do this in the first 3 to 5 seconds of the video.

Part 2: The Introduction and Problem

Now that you’ve got their attention, Part 2 is to introduce yourself and more importantly, the problem you’re going to be solving.

Even though we’re only about 5 seconds into the video this is where so many people start to go so wrong.

The key here is to keep your intro as short and powerful as possible and then move quickly on to the problem.

An important point to consider here is that the only reason we’re introducing you at all is to humanize, so they get to know you, build rapport, so they like you, and establish credibility and authority, so they trust you.

The way to do this is give your name, title, and a previous but related big achievement, and then dive right into the problem you see and the damage it’s doing.

And this is where you want to spend most of your time. On their pain, their problem, and the current reality they’re living in. You don’t have a ton of time here, but even 30 to 60 seconds of putting a little salt in the wound can go a long way and set yourself up for success in the next part.

Part 3: The Product/Service Presentation

Alright so at this point you’ve hooked them, you’ve given a quick intro, and you’ve presented the problem they’re going through, and hopefully put just a bit of salt in the wound to make it real and make em feel. CREATIVE EDIT: Yeah… that rhymed. NOTE TO EDITOR: (Don’t know if this part will work, feel free to cut it if it’s super cheesy or just doesn’t feel right)

So it’s at this point, Part 3: that you want to present the product or service that you’re selling.

Now, keep in mind this product or service can be something as simple as a lead magnet or a link to an article or something more robust like an offer to buy, call, or apply.

But whatever it is the point is always the same, and that is that the product or service you’re presenting should be positioned as the solution to whatever pain you dug up in the last point.

Basically, in Part 2 you highlighted a pain they have, and in Part 3 you give them the opportunity to solve that pain with your product or service.

And of course, all the usual sales tactics apply here like covering benefits more so than features, making sure your solution is relevant and interesting to them, and most importantly, highlighting how your offer can help them bridge the gap from where they are right now to where they want to be.

Part 4: The Call To Action

Finally we come to what may be the most important part of the entire video, the call to action, or CTA.

The goal here is to do the thinking and heavy lifting for your viewer by spelling out exactly what they should do next. That ever important next action step that will move them one step closer to solving their problem.

Now is not the time to get creative and let them know about all the things they could do and all the ways you could help them, instead, you want to pick one single call to action, make it clear, and make it direct.

When your call to action is confusing or worse, doesn’t even exist, your viewer is left hanging and trying to figure out what’s next on their own and that’s not good for anyone.

In just a second I’m going to show you where you can download a free copy of a plug and play video ad script that will show you exactly what to say and how to script out the perfect video ad, but first, a Bonus Tip.

BONUS: YouTube Video Ads

Alright so at this point you’ve got your video scripted, recorded, and up and running on Facebook, so what’s next?

Well my friend, the next step is to take that very same video ad and leverage it on YouTube. You can use it organically by just posting it to your channel or you can take things one step further and do what I recommend which is to turn your Facebook Video Ad into a YouTube Video Ad. The beauty here is that the hard part of creating the video ad has already been done, so it only makes sense to use it anywhere you can and there are no better places for a video ad right now than Facebook and YouTube.

Also, as I mentioned in the beginning, to download a free copy of a plug and play video ad script simple visit adamsblog.staging.wpengine.com/videoadtemplate to claim your copy. This is the exact script I provide to my private clients and you can get it for free through the link here to help you create high converting video ads quickly and easily.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

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