Positive Mental Attitude Marketing

I’d like to introduce you to one of the most powerful concepts I know in marketing.

It’s something that I can guarantee will change your marketing, business, and life for the better.

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And something most, if not all, of the most elite and successful marketers I know deploy to their full advantage.

If this is something new to you then I’d (strongly) encourage you to give it careful consideration.

And if you’re already familiar with it – then consider this a friendly refresher.


It’s not to be taken lightly.

First a word of warning.

I’m not a woo-woo, crystal-wearing, incense burning, “The Secret” studying, just-think-good-thoughts-without-doing-any-work type of guy.

That said…

I do believe in visualization, gratitude, meditation, positive affirmations, good and bad “energy”, and goal setting. (All things that help to rewire and train the brain to be more productive and effective. And are all backed by science)

Most importantly of all…

I believe in PMA Marketing.

Also known as…

Positive Mental Attitude Marketing

What is PMA Marketing you ask?

Let me tell you.

PMA Marketing is SIMPLY putting out the highest and most positive attitude possible in all of your business and marketing materials.

It’s a mindset.

And it means being positive.

It means providing value.

It means being helpful.

It means being the first to smile, the first to extend a handshake, and being quick to acknowledge other people and say thank you.

And it means being a beacon of light in an otherwise far too dark, gloomy, and cynical world.


It means understanding and accepting that a positive mental attitude may very well be the single most valuable marketing asset you could ever hope to acquire.

(I can attribute nearly every amazing opportunity in my life to a time of exemplifying PMA Marketing, and every negative time to when I let it slip just a little)

And PMA Marketing comes across in EVERY single thing that you do.

Every video you make, every email you write, every Facebook post you create, every client call you take… everything.

It works because people like positive people.

And people like doing business with people they like.

It’s really no more complicated than that.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Adam Erhart Marketing Strategist

What this means is that it’s my job to figure out the exact mental triggers, messages, and psychological “buttons” to push in your market that will allow you to become irresistible to your clients and customers. When you do this you get to: 1) Attract more (and better) clients and customers, 2) Make more sales and increase your revenue (without feeling “salesy“), 3) And grow your business… without needing to become a workaholic or dying of stress in the process.

The One Page Marketing Cheatsheet

Before tactics and tools can work, the single most important thing is to get your business's overall marketing strategy right.

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